Friday, April 28, 2006

042706 Borough Council Workshop

The Nazareth Borough Council held its monthly workshop session in Borough Hall (Church and Center Streets). The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. and all council members were in attendance except for Michael Davis. Mayor Earl Keller was in attendance for the first time following his medical recovery.

The meeting opened with public comment.

Praise for repaved Green and Green Street. Yes there are two now, much general discussion took place around the name of the streets and the need to rename. One suggestion was Green Street Bypass, but most seemed alright with leaving them both as Green Street to avoid the aggravation of having residents need to change their address. Will need to drive through their myself today to see excactly what is what.

Warning for residents to be on the alert of telephone scammers. One police report was filed and other incidents are thought to have taken place where a caller requests bank information.

Question regarding what businesses are allowed to operate within the borough (ie Tattoo, massage, and fortune teller) and how they can be regulated. The answer was that zoning could not ban them but could keep them from the central business district.

Les Little, who is a member of the Shade Tree Commission made a few announcements. The first was that the Commission will celebrate Arbor Day on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. at the Borough Park. Twelve trees were donated to be planted in honor of, in memory of, etc. of area residents. He also encouraged residents not to "top" their trees. He explained that this practice kills the tree by cutting sections that cannot heal themselves, exposing the trunk to rot that works its way from top to bottom. He emphasized when planting to be sure to plant the right tree (regarding size and shape) in the right place. Regarding existing trees that may have been planted without such care, the options are to let them be or prune them, but not to cut the tops off.

Having concluded the public comment the Council members made their Committee Reports:

Police Committee: Recommending a stop sign at the new Green and Green Street intersection. The comment brought more conversation regarding the naming.

Fire Committee: Reminder that EMS Week is May 14-20 (for a list of other special days visit my earlier post).

Ecology Committee:
  • Still on pace to finish the new grass/leave collection area in mid-May.
  • Had hoped to have the Essroc Soccer fields completed, however, it seems while the fields have been back-filled their has not been a contractor secured to do final work and seeding. If its not done soon it will have to wait until fall.
  • Essroc Kilns at Lonestar plant are now shut down and believe there is a noticable difference in the amount of grit (klinker dirt as it was referred to) on vehicles and outdoor items.
  • Finally, the folks who dumped their trash in the grass/leave collection area and included personal address information have been mailed a bill, but have not yet paid.
Law Committee: Is creating a Duplicate Bill Fee to be assessed with payment being split between the tax office and borough. The Dumpster Ordinance was passed and initial letters sent to owners not in compliance. A Zoning Complaint Form was being created and would be available at the Zoning office.

Recreation Committee: Sam Werkheiser is being nominated to fill the vacancy on the Recreation Board. Fifty chairs were purchased for the stage when bands perform and ceremonies at Borough events.

Planning Committee: Announced that the Negrao's who are developing a new assisted living facility on South New Street, have offered to run a water line to the south side of Franklin for future possible use at the Park located there.

Economic Development Committee:
  • Requesting a resolution for the Council to submit an application for a $5,000.00 grant from the PA DCED for the Main Street Organization. A conversation ensued regarding the financial obligations of the borough and the role of a main street manager. Myself and Bill Brackbill, who wrote the application and has worked extensively on this project, helped to explain that the Manager is not a borough manager, but a person who will work for the organization to promote not only business, but the activities and events in the community. This individual will work with businesses and landowners, groups and organizations, to make the area as appealing to residents, customers, and business as possible. It was also explained that the borough at no time will be able to contribute in excess of one third of the organizations revenue. Therefore, the burden of financing the manager position and all other expenses is on the committee.
  • Also a brief conversation regarding the pay for the Borough Park Manager. The Committee was requesting a raise and it was noted that the position had received raises each of the past two years and that it ought to be done when all borough positions are reviewed, not now. A motion will be put forward for a vote on Monday regarding the raise.
Finance Committee: Recommended a a ceremony to recognize the completion of the Green Street Road Project and noted that final payment will be made at the June meeting. Also noted that the regular audit of the police pension fund was currently taking place.

1 comment:

Bernie O'Hare said...

Les Little is a true gentleman. Nazareth is lucky to have a man of his expertise.