Thursday, June 01, 2006

060106 Council Workshop

It was a long night at Thursday's Council Workshop Session. It began with the power out, no lights, no a/c, and as a result, lots of hot air (no offense intended).

The meeting got underway and one hour's worth of public comment on the new government center proposal ensued. There was also much discussion by Council during the meeting.

Read about the new government center proposal here.

The meeting itself began with reports by each member.

Larry Stoudt received a letter to have a reserved parking space at the corner of E. Prospect and Spruce for customer shopping. He also requested an executive session following the workshop to discuss the police contract.

Conrad Bowers noted that the carnival supporting the fire department opened on Wednesday and runs through Saturday. He also noted a tanker trunk was leaking and required repair.

John Samus reported that Ray Orwig has requested placing six lights along his new units on Franklin Street. Since at South and South New the Alexandria Manor facility will eventually require the same he'd like to have the lighting committee work with engineer to develop consistent look and feel as well as specs for future lighting installation and replacement so the borough eventually has uniform lighting. He also reported that he will be examining the possibility of joining a group of municipalities to share a tub grinder that could be used to create mulch from trees and stumps dumped at the waste yard.

Jack Herbst had no report from Law Committee.

Cindy Werner proposed a motion to allow one day pool passes to a German exchange group who will be visiting Nazareth this summer. She also requested a larger police presence at the borough park this summer, particularly when the park is open late for the concerts and movies.

Mike Davis noted that the new lights on the circle were nearly 100% completed. The band platform project remained up in the air. And that there was a lenghty meeting following the public meeting on Thursday regarding the new government center. There was strong consensus by the committee at that time that a single government center be proposed to avoid duplication. He proposed a motion be made a Monday's meeting to instruct the architect to put plans out for bid. Following receipt of bids a discussion should occur.

Mayor Keller addressed the drinking water situation, specifically in regard to the public notification. As the individual responsible for Emergency Management, hhe met with the chief of police, fire, and the emergency management coordinator and they determined that a system based on a unique siren (ie different from fire siren) would be the best one. In that case individuals hearing the siren would know to go online, turn on radio, or television to find out what the emergency was and how to protect themselves. They are currently determingin what money may be available through FEMA or Homeland Security to pay for such a system.

He also announced that a special ceremony will be held at noon on the 4th of July. The rededication of the Canon will be made. The canon was placed in 1906 in honor of Company A, 153rd PA Volunteers, comprised of Nazareth and Nazareth area residents who fought in the Civil War, including battles at Chancelorsville and Gettysburg.

It was determined that the July meeting will be held on the 2nd Monday as a result of the holiday, but the workshop will remain on the 29th of June.

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