Thursday, July 27, 2006

07-26-06 Lower Nazareth Township Supervisors Meeting

It was reported in both the Express-Times and the Morning Call that the Lower Nazareth Township Supervisors, have held off voting on the COG, Nazareth 2030 plan, and Library Funding, but are in support of each.

The Express-Times article noted:

"I would be uncomfortable approving the plan without language to know how it would ultimately be administered," Tenges told the five supervisors, who opted to hold off on a formal vote.

It was my understanding from the presentation made in Nazareth that the initial vote to support meant the municipalities supported the plan and the next step of action was to collectively determine how to implement the plan and hold one another accountable to it.

If that is a correct understanding, then the concern is understandable, but premature.

Lower Nazareth and Stockertown have yet to vote on the plan, East Allen has turned the plan down, and the other seven municipalities have agreed to meet to further discuss it.

Read more about:
Council of Governments (COG), Nazareth 2030 Plan
Library Funding

Articles including or relating to Lower Nazareth.

1 comment:

Bernie O'Hare said...

I understand that Bill Brackbill will be administering this plan, but that is only rumor.