Monday, August 21, 2006

Show respect for your community, neighbors, and self - curb your pet.

There are a lot of dogs in the borough of Nazareth. You can hear them bark when you walk past their house, or see them in their yard. You also see many people out taking their dogs for walks.

I happen to believe that the more people in a community who walk, with or without dogs, the more vibrant the community becomes. People say hello or chat briefly as they go. Smiles, waves, and short conversations with those sitting on their porches or working in their yards. It is all good.

What is not good as it is unhealthy, not to metion disrespectful, is when people don't clean up when walking their dog in public.

To not clean up after your pet and leave it on someone else's property is absolutely disrectful and shows a lack of citizenship and neighborliness.

As a dog owner, I want people to be out walking their pets, and I don't want to be viewed as a "problem" because I'm seen walking my dog in public. People who fail to curb their own pets make everyone look bad.

Does a dog occassionally get loose? Yes. Is it understandable then that when walking you may see some. Yes.

Is it the case a dog got loose, when five times in the past few weeks I've had to clean up after someone else's dog in the area infront of my house? I don't think so.

If you walk your dog publicly, have some respect for your neighbors, your community, and yourself, clean up after your pet.

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