Friday, September 08, 2006

Off-Beat and irrelevent

Bernie O'Hare's LehighValleyRamblings has challenged myself and a host of other local bloggers to identify "5 Weird things about themselves" (read his here if you dare). Not my standard post, but in the interest of keeping myself in good graces with other local self-publishers here goes:

In true NewsOverCoffee fashion I dug into the word weird and found a wonderful essay regarding the original meaning of the word and how it changed over time (read it here). I also opened my Bartlett's Roget's Thesaurus and found seven instances related to weird. Those being:
  1. Spiritual
  2. Insane
  3. Astonishing
  4. Strange
  5. Unusual
  6. Eccentric
  7. Unbelievable
So here are five weird things about me:

1. Staying up after the kids go to bed until about midnight and waking around 5:15 to work on email and odd interests like NewsOverCoffee would be weird, or more likely insane, to most people.

2. My wife, family, and friends find it astonishing that I now think I can fix or build anything around my house. I am self-taught, excepting 7th grade wood shop, and possess greater capacity to have one of my projects better reflect the efforts of Tim Taylor than Bob Villa, yet I cut, hack and hew at wood, tile, or whatever else is laid infront of me. Often confident I'll eventually figure out what to do next.

3. The aggregate of my interests would undoubtedly place me in the category of eccentric. I jump from one area to another, technology to early biblical, I write poetry, short stories, and news based items not to mention corporate communications. I listen to all manner of music including classical and opera, rock and country. And I'd rather build something than buy it.

4. It is unusual that someone like me, could have been fortunate enough to have a wife and the kids that I do.

5. It is unbelievable, even to me, that I decided to play along and address this question.

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