Friday, November 03, 2006

Nazareth Borough Council Workshop 11-2-06

The Nazareth Borough Council Workshop for November began at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 2, 2006 in Council Chambers (Church and Center Streets).

There was one bid received and opened at that time for the Gateway Project (a Shade Tree Commission Project) by Daniels Landscape. There was later (near the end of the meeting) a conversation related to the proper advertising of the project. Engineer Don Keller stated that the Borough had never advertised the project so he didn't know how the bid could have been received. There was also a question due to the amount of the bid in regard to the project projected cost and announcement/bidding requirements related to it.

There were 7 residents in attendance in addition to the Council, all of whom where there except for John Samus. And there were no representatives from the daily newspapers.

Public Comment included the following:
  • Question regarding the status of the Borough web site. Mayor Keller stated that a teacher at the school said they had students who can set it up and manage it from their classroom. When asked about payment it was noted it would be a part of the curriculum. The Mayor also stated his first concern was having it available as a mass warning system.
  • A question was asked in regard to the status of the new borough building. Council President Dan Chiavarolli stated there have been meetings once a week. The title change is expected before the end of the year. The bank would like 90 days to stay and transition out. Given this the expected move-in date is April of 2007.
  • A comment was made regarding the fact that many people do not stop at stop signs and speeding is prevalent in the borough. Specifically noted that watched six cars roll through the stop sign on Franklin at Prospect Street. This comment got everyone talking including most of Council and those in attendance. It was additionally mentioned that Franklin is used as a shortcut. The North and Green Street intersection and Center and New Street intersections were also mentioned as particularly challenging for pedestrians as drivers simply don't stop. The addition of signs on the Circle and newly painted lines by Shafer were mentioned by myself as positive steps and a request was made to repaint and paint where none currently exist cross walks throughout the borough. Larry Stoudt and Chief Ruch stated they would drive through town and take note of possible improvements that can be made in regard to either enforcement or lines.
  • A question regarding whether the borough had an ordinance for curbing pets was asked. The issue as nearly all agreed was that to enforce it you have to catch the person and that is the hardest part.
  • It was noted that the Shade Tree Commission's fall planting was completed. On south Main Street nine trees were planted with help from the highway crew. There were also four or five replacements of trees that simply didn't take. A question from Councilman Herbst was in regard to who was responsible for the replacement and a follow-up of when did the tree become the property owners responsibility. It was stated that the Commission replaced them because they didn't take, but the ownership was a bit of a gray area. Mayor Keller asked if a tree could be looked at that was in bad shape near Phoenix and West Prospect.
That ended the public comment period. From an observational perspective, it was a return to normalcy following the contentious sessions of the summer. The period, as well as the meeting itself, was reminiscent of a New England town hall meeting. It was respectful, but conversational, and a nice return to how government ought to be.

The workshop opened with the police report made by Councilman Stoudt. He noted there was a check with PADOT on a stop sign placement and the ability to paint 'stop ahead' on roads. There were two requests for parties that were each declined because they included a band and there was a high probability of noise complaints. The school had requested a parade on Saturday, November 11, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. following the same route as the Halloween Parade for Veterans Day.

Public Property Committee reviewed a list of sites to review including the band shell. There was also a request for use of the basketball courts at the Borough Park.

Law Committee noted several motions would be made on Monday including:
  • motion to advertise vacating meadow lane (?)
  • motion to appoint Gary Asteak special counsel
  • resolution for acquisition of the Main Street property
  • resolution for eminent domain of 128 South Main Street.
  • ordinance to delete the loading/unloading zone where the upholstery store had been on Belvidere Street.
  • motion for a knox box (sp?) ordinance (essentially provides access to fire and police of security alarms).
Recreation Committee reviewed the year's programs at the Park.

Finance Committee will have a motion to accept the preliminary 2007 Budget, which has no tax increase. There will also be a motion to advertise the 2007 Budget to be on display for 10 days.

Fire Committee reported that a list of all extinguishers will be provided along with indications of which ones need to be replaced. It was also noted that the parade was very successful and over 400 students from Shafer and Holy Family visited the fire company during Fire Prevention Week. The Fire Chief was informed by the County 911 Center that they will not continue to provide overlay past January 2008, which means the Fire Company will need to replace its radios.

Ecology Committee noted that they were not where they want to be with recycling at this point, but were close. A conversation ensued regarding the collection yard. The workers (paid $8 per hour) were doing a very good job, were very helpful, and have kept it very clean. However, it has been costly. The Committee is watching the cost and will discuss how to best manage cost vs. service in the future.

Noted that a transmission on a tractor went and a new one will be needed. It was discussed and with money in the 2006 budget the best approach would seem to be to purchase a new tractor. A motion will be made and estimated cost is $9000.

Also look into sealing on roads in the coming weeks and noted that leaf collection was now taking place throughout the borough.

Secretary Paul Kokolous had several comments/notes including:
  • Needs articles for the upcoming newsletter
  • Sent a letter thanking all the candidates for the vacant Council seat.
  • There was a disappointing response to the Commissions announcement with only one person applying for the Library and one for the Municipal Authority Commission.
  • A grant will be filed for $10,000.
  • The insurance has not changed and borough is still using the same rates with same coverage, so its not a bad thing.
  • Will be sending all Councilmembers the COG (Council of Government) minutes until a rep is selected. One Councilperson noted they'd like to continue to receive them, to which it was noted that the COG has a new secretary who began providing minutes and they will continue to send them electronically.
  • No tax hike in the budget, the meeting went very well, and there is something in the budget for everyone.
Council President Chiavarolli noted that he attended COG meeting and the discussion was focused on emergency management, composting, and fire department assistance for smaller companies that are struggling to get volunteers.

The Mayor noted that the mass warning system specs have been received and will go to public property committee.

The Police Chief noted that given the move in date of the new building, they are going to need to do something with the roof at the existing 30 Belvidere facility. The roof leaks and its into the office and on the copier. The response was to get it fixed.

The meeting closed with the announcement that there will be three executive sessions, two for Law Committee and one for Council President.


Anonymous said...

A motion to appoint Gary Asteak as special council? Good luck with that one.

One has to wonder, with the number of townships that he sits on, and the number of high profile clients he is always in the paper about, how much "quality" time can he spend with any of them? Isn't there, or shouldn't there by a rule/law that limits the number of public/taxpayer funded jobs a person can hold? Isn't there a major conflict of interest in that he would be on multiple adjacent boards and could effectively sway a decision to what HE wants (not necessarily what the public wants)?

I know he is the local "celebrity" lawyer (defending quite a few dregs of humanity I might add), but this appears to only be giving him more power across a wider range.

If I could make it happen, I would have him fired as the Lower Nazareth Township solicitor. He is one that clearly believes we are there to serve him, not the other way around.

I would fight this one tooth and nail. Go to one of the other municipality board meetings he is on and see him in action for yourself, especially if there is a controversial topic that he is for and the public is against.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"From an observational perspective, it was a return to normalcy following the contentious sessions of the summer. The period, as well as the meeting itself, was reminiscent of a New England town hall meeting. It was respectful, but conversational, and a nice return to how government ought to be."
How is that? Government behind closed doors? The basic problem remains. Those contentious sessions this summer are what you actually find in a New England Town Hall meeting. I've been to a few. It's called democracy. Democracy is not a love fest. And your appreciation of a "return to normalcy" simply stuns me. You know, better than most, that Nazareth has engaged in a pattern of Sunshine Act violations as long as any of us can remember. Big changes are needed on Council and in the mayor's seat.

RossRN said...

We'll probably agree to disagree on this one.

For the purpose of finding common ground, yes, the process of how decisions are made need to change. Regardless of what interpretation of the Sunshine Law is used, the Council needs to be open with its meetings.

Last night's meeting was open, 7 people showed up, no one from the press.

There was a good, constructive conversation. People in the audience and on Council spoke and listened to one another.

It was civil and productive, not a 'lovefest' as you say, but nor was it a case were a line was drawn and if you were on one side of an issue you couldn't hear or refused to understand the comments made from the other side.

Democracy is not about kicking one another's teeth in, its about working together to find the best solution for the people you represent.

I didn't say I was glad it was business as usual, or didn't intend to, if that is how it was read. I was glad to see people actually listening to one another, acknowledging problems, and offering solutions.

Regarding Asteak, it was not stated for what purpose he was being brought in or for how long, at what cost etc. It may be that there is a conflict with current solicitor so they needed someone else to handle one issue. Will see Monday if the purpose is clarified.

Thanks for the comments and have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

This forum has gotten really soft. You daresn't call a spade a spade or out anyone or you will be reprimanded. I think Ross and council have similar attitudes - "If we want your opinion, we'll give it to you". No discussion, no conflict, just take your medicine John Q. Public.

Maybe we should stick to no controversial topics like pumpkins and parades. That always seems to draw a ton of comments.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe this forum has gotten soft. However, it is not a place to attack individual people, but to discuss the facts.

Naming names with factual context and opinion around them is one thing, and I have done it on a number of occasions. Naming a name and verbally attacking that person is not.

If you want that type of forum, look at the links on the home page of NOC and go start your on Blog site and feel free to flame away. The majority of us here are here because, for the most part, it ISN'T that type of environment.

But being brutally honest, when you use these attack tactics in your posts, it not only sounds like it is coming from an elementary grade child, it also loses all of its message that you are trying to convey.

Bernie O'Hare said...

To Anon 8:04,

I don't believe the anonymous commenter suggested that NOC is a place to flame other people. You equate a critical look with personal attacks. There is a difference.

And Ross has "gone soft." The willingness to look at anything Nazareth does with a critical eye is gone. Ross used to do that. He doesn't do it anymore. That's simply the truth. Ross is so happy, for example, that only 7 people have shown up at a council meting. No press, either.


He has stopped being critical with the appointment of one of his pals to borough council. Ross may not like me saying that, but that's also the truth. In fact, he actually came on my blog to run interference for that guy when I had some questions for him, quwestions he hasn't answered.

Ross does a terrific job here and only another blogger can appreciate the work involved. And perhaps I'm wrong. But when Ross talks about Nazareth Borough Council "return to normalcy," he should point out there is nothing normal about it. It is NOTHING LIKE a New England Towen Hall. It is a crypt. Decision are made behind closed doors in a good ole boy network that has persisted for years. That is what inevitably gets Nazareth in trouble.

Every one of those guy must go: Stoudt, Bowers, Daugherty, & Keller. They represent government behind closed doors.

Now I have just criticized Nazareth w/o getting personal. See, it can be done.

Anonymous said...

Hey, we the citizens of Nazareth elected "those guys" so maybe we "ought to go", too.It's time to stop nitpicking and WORK for the POSITIVE GOOD of the community!!!

Anonymous said...

It seems like Bernie is the only one on this forum who is like minded. Not sure f that is an indictment of him or me.

P.S. - Ross, thanks for removing the post about the Nazareth football team. I guess I shouldn't go and point out that they were 31-0 losers last night.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Sorry, but I don't consider a pattern of Sunshine Act violations as "nitpicking." And I did not elect Daugherty. I also didn't elect Bowers. Nor did I elect the twp engineer or its solicitor. Nazareth has room to improve. It needs to explain a lot.

RossRN said...

Where to begin, well first off, I don't delete posts. If you made a post and it didn't appear, it wasn't because I did anything to stop it. Yesterday the same thing happened to me where I made a post and came back a while later and it didn't appear. So I made another post and both showed up. Don't know if its a refresh issue with the browser or if Blogger has some issues, but I didn't delete it and I think everyone would agree the loss last night, highlighted by 9 yards of rushing was flat our horrid. On the other hand the soccer, field hockey and golf teams had pretty good seasons, so the fall wasn't a total loss.

To Bernie, you clearly misread my comments or I faltered as a writer. The fact that 7 people showed up and no press was an indictment on those who chose to ignore the very situation you are so concerned with.

I was there to find out what was happening as were the others in attendance. I'd like to think that people feel they can get the information they need on this site, but I was surprised by the lack of attendance, not glorifying it, in light of recent issues.

In regard to my "pal", Fred is a neighbor. We see one another here and there, wave, and say hi. I'm glad that through this site and the Council meetings we've gotten to know one another better, because in our daily lives we don't always get to know our neighbors anymore the way we ought to.

My comments on your site were made because I thought your comments were unfair. Since when is an opinion 'running interference'. It didn't matter if it was a neighbor, a stranger, or what-have-you, you attacked the wrong guy. He sat through an interview process along with two other people. You attacked him for his answers and challenged him to answer them. You should have attacked the Council for not discussing the candidates, not the candidate who was answering honestly.

He has no obligation to answer your charges and the fact that he hasn't shouldn't be an indictment. Where was the challenge against other Council members? I didn't see them, maybe I didn't read enough posts, but to me it was unfair and I said so.

Regarding being soft on Nazareth, I raised issues on this site about the new building. There are outstanding issues that need to be addressed regarding this issue, not to mention the process itself.

I started this site so people could share information with one another to improve the community. Sometimes that means identifying problems, other times it means recognizing successes and progress.

Like any other community, we have our share of both.

Have a great rest of the weekend and thanks for taking a sip of NewsOverCoffee.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to comment on the traffic. I called the chief of police 3 times and left my number and never received a call back. I called because I was concerned about the traffic in town. People don't stop at stop signs, they fly around you on the right when you are making a turn(and isn't this illegal) since when is it ok to pass on the right. The traffic is awful on broad street, and there is a park and there are children from daycare who walk on these streets. When I called the police station it was when a mini van rolled down broad street which could have been a real tradgedy has the children been walking to the park. I was very disappointed that the "Cheif of Police" did not return my phone call and I did relay to the person who answered my call what it was in reference to. I would also like to know what the speed limit is in town, I thought it was 25 but it must be 55 because that is what it seems to me everyone is doing, and I never see anyone get pulled over.

Bernie O'Hare said...


One of the comments you made on my blog re Daugherty was that he had posted on both our blogs. I know no one had ever posted on my blog as Fred Daughterty before. So I went to your blog and checked that. Guess what? There was no post by Daugherty as Daugherty on your blog, either. This means that either you were mistaken about 2 blogs or Daugherty was posting anonymously and had revealed his identity to you. That suggests the possibility he might be more than a neighbor. When I asked you to explain how you knew that Daughtery had been making posts on either of out blogs, I got no answer. That is very uncharacteristic from you. A reasonable conclusion, therefore, is that you are in fact running interference for this guy. But I accept your word if you're telling me this is not so.

You state Daugherty had no obligation to answer my questions and was being unfairly attacked. I completely disagree. He told me he agreed local government must be open and accountable. His subsequent silence in the face of questions about Nazareth's closed door government, speaks volumes. He is, like it or not, a public servant. He is held to a higher standard than others. He doesn't have to answer me, and I don't have to vote for him.

And you've been silent just like Daugherty. You no longer question how engineering bills could be paid for a project that had no approval. You talk with relief about a "return to normalcy" and then tell me you were actually being critical? You talk about this government, which still has said nothing about an engineer's bill or its multiple secret committee hearings, in near reverential terms, and proudly proclaim "a nice return to how government ought to be." Those are your words, not mine.

Serious problems persist. The same ignorant attitudes remain. I continue to receive regular reports of snide remarks from the Mayor and some council members concerning Nazareth residents who opposed the gov't expansion. That's the reality, but your recent borough council post makes Nazareth sound like some Shangrila.

Of course there are many positive things about Nazareth and its government. But it is not Shangrila. Comparing its disfunctional council with a New England Town Hall, is an insult to democracy.

RossRN said...


Fred posted on your blog in that exchange. It was the reason you made comments about him.

Fred posted on my blog as Fred Daugherty several times since mid August. The first reference, ironically, was a comment that followed one of you own. Read it here.

Regarding my 'silence', its been a month since the last Council meeting and a lot of discussion has been focused on the school lately. I attended the meeting to find out what was happening, as I will tonight. As before, if there are questions I will ask them either on the site or at the meeting. I won't ask them within the write-up of the meeting, I try to do so afterward.

And finally, my comment was primarily made in regard to the fact that people spoke and people listened and people wanted to find a solution to a problem. That was a relief after months of ignoring or attacking someone because of their opinion without considering the validity of the comments.

Regarding the individual who posted about the traffic. That was the main discussion. The residents were very unhappy with several aspects, mostly a lack of enforcement of people running stop signs and having no regard for the speed limit. In addition to enforcement, it was asked that measures be taken to better highlight pedestrian crossing through painting of crosswalks and possible use of more signs like those on Main Street at the circle.

A combination of the these along with education will help, but let's face it - enforcement will be the one that makes the difference.

Anonymous said...

GET A LIFE, Mr O'Hare. Give the new councilmember a chance.

Anonymous said...

People like Bernie and myself are necessary in an environment like this. While you may consider it being critical exposing the underbelly of this community needs to be done. If we out a few people along the way - so be it.

I totally agree that Ross sees this area as Shagrila. I think I called it looking at things through "Blue colored glasses" a few months back. I don't blame you and I think your view is probably related to the age of your children. I was a bit of a Pollyanna when my oldest was eight years old, too. Now my youngest is that age and I view things differently. Not sure if this is due to my age or the Nazareth roads I have traveled in the last 12 years.

I have lived in large cities, suburbs, and small towns. In the Mid-Atlantic, New England, West Coast, etc. I have never come across a community as secretive and misguided as the one that I now call home

Changing this place may be like turning around the Titantic, but it needs to happen before it implodes.

RossRN said...

I guess what I'm failing to get across is the fact that either Bernie misunderstood what I wrote, or I did not make my point clearly enough.

The return to normalcy was in regard to people actually listening to one another's points.

I never said there wasn't a problem in regard to the process the Council followed.

I never said that I've given up on wanting to have open meetings.

I never said that I was happy that only 7 people and no media were in attendance.

You can be critical and you can criticize without attacking people personally. The "blue-colored" glasses comment is correct from the standpoint that I created the site to improve the community not constantly criticize without including any recommendations or effort to improve it.

The easiest thing in the world is to put people (or places) down - just look at all the campaign ads. It is much harder to build something up.

I don't think you can say that I've ignored issues (nor do I delete posts), but I've been diligent in not having this site degenerate into only picking out faults.

We have nearly 25,000 people who live in the school district, not to mention people who lived here and are still interested in what is happening. Let's use this collective brainpower to solve problems and improve the community.

Regarding my perspective, it is not so much shaped by my child's age as it is my experience. I've been publicly attacked by individuals during the time I worked at the school district. I had my position eliminated as result of an administrative reorganization that included no discussion (but was apparently discussed at a closed personnel meeting). I've worked in local politics. I've worked for State Representatives.

I've seen first hand what doesn't work and believe a different approach is needed in the midst of the cynicism, because that gets you nowhere.

The optimism and belief that things can get better is supported by being involved and finding there are others like me, with the same belief and optimism.

I don't go around with a scowl on my face or a chip on my shoulder, but I'm more than happy to wave and smile, and I'll even hold a door open for you.

It simply works better being this way for me. It is also a good example for my kids, and I won't deny that.

If you think I've ignored issues, please tell me about them. I put up what I think is relevant for the community and encourage the discussion as much as I can.

Thanks again and hopefully this clears up any final confusion or misunderstanding regarding my comments and perspective.

Have a great week,

Anonymous said...

This town will NOT implode. It's been here a LONG time and MOST people think it a great community .
But there are always malcontents -----who are not happy with themselves or anything else.