Monday, November 06, 2006

Thoughts on the Workshop Meeting

As noted, Thursday night's meeting of the Borough Council had only seven people in attendance and no one from the media was there. I'd like to broach three topics that were addressed and hear what your thoughts and opinions are:
  1. Driving in town/pedestrian safety.
  2. Compost/waste/recycling yard on west end.
  3. Nazareth Borough Web site.
The primary discussion in Community Corner addressed unsafe driving in the borough. Specifically, speeding, running/rolling through stop signs, and the difficulty of walking in town as a result. It was noted that police enforcement was most needed, followed by signage and painting or repainting of crosswalks in intersections. Education/reminders of laws and speed limits would also be helpful if the other steps were also being taken. (One good example is that when pedestrians are in a cross walk the driver should wait until they are out of it before proceeding through. On our way to the Halloween parade, three adults had four children and we were halfway across the street just past the double yellow line, when the car shot through with us still right there).

I've regularly noted on this site the need to make Nazareth as pedestrian friendly as possible. The more people who walk in town, the more likely someone will stop in a shop or local business. It also encourages people to interact and presents a good image for the community. Additionally, it is a healthy activity.

Following Community Corner, another topic that the Council discussed was the compost/waste/recycling yard on the west end of town. The discussion was that the facility was working well, the workers were very helpful, but the cost was not inexpensive. Previously dumpsters had been on South Green Street and they were not regulated causing problems. Now the yard is enclosed, there are hours of operation, and there are paid workers ($8 per hour based on meeting last week). The question now is how do you manage the cost to operate the facility so it is a benefit not a burden. This seems to be the question before Council.

Another issue that was previously raised was the management of the Borough Web site. At the meeting on Thursday, Mayor Keller announced that the web site will be managed by students from the school district as part of the curriculum. The details need to be worked out, but it looked like this could be done at no cost and there was some amazement noted in the room that the students could perform the work without going to the municipal building (a clear indication that there is not a high level of understanding on web related services).

His major concern was to have a mass warning system, of which the web site would be one component (along with a siren, announcements on WFMZ etc). [In fair disclosure, over the summer before the site became an issue, I offered to help identify what the borough wanted and to identify possible solutions. There was an exchange of emails, but I did not receive a request for my help or advice so I let it go.]

The solution being proposed may work for 180 days a year between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm, but outside that period of time the Borough will be back in its same position of being virtually helpless in this regard unless the students are building an interface that will allow municipal officials to make relatively easy updates. It will be interesting to see where this leads and what happens. While students may be able program basic html, I'm not sure they'll be able to identify the business requirements of the Borough, have the knowledge to recommend the best solutions to meet the needs of the Borough, and then implement and maintain the site at the level required. At the same time, some help is better than none at all.

Feel free to share your thoughts on each or any of these issues and have a great week!


Anonymous said...

As for pedestrian traffic, there are some very simple things that could be put in place. First, crossing signals that are activated by pushing a button, then all lights turn red for a short period of time while pedestrians cross. These are very common, but unfortunately come with a price tag. I have also seen municipalities use speed control devices (read speed bumps) even on main roads. This forces cars to slow down or risk damaging their vehicle.

one item that bothers me the most walking and driving in Nazareth is the large number of 18 wheel trucks. A lot of them where there before the large build up, but I would think there should be some way they could limit the number of roads on which they could travel.

As for the web site, there are numerous packages commercially available that would allow the township to manage the information on their site once it was initially set up and running. They range from high end (very expensive) to open source (read almost free). In most cases, these vendors have extremely aggressive discounts for state and local governments, and there are even procurement vehicles available to small governments that allow them to leverage even larger blanket purchase agreements.

Depending on their ISP, they may actually already have access to these tools as well.

Anonymous said...

Another issue that was previously raised was the management of the Borough Web site. At the meeting on Thursday, Mayor Keller announced that the web site will be managed by students from the school district as part of the curriculum. The details need to be worked out, but it looked like this could be done at no cost and there was some amazement noted in the room that the students could perform the work without going to the municipal building (a clear indication that there is not a high level of understanding on web related services).

This is hilarious on several levels. First, have you ever seen the NAHS website? It is an uprofessional, disorganized mess. There is no consistency from page to page and it often says something like "Page last updated on May 19, 2004 by Jane Doe" at the bottom (Jane graduated a month later and no one took up the cause).

The even funnier part is the amazement that people could update the site remotely. Maybe they need to speak to Al Gore for some background on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Driving in town/pedestrian safety: Every community has this issue. Enforcement of the law is the only thing that will help this. Targeted, covert enforcement will quickly send a message to locals that stop means stop.
Compost/waste/recycling yard on west end: I am not clear as to what the problem is here (wasn't at the meeting). Is it that paying the people is too costly? If so, I don;t see the need to pay someone to sit there all day and read the newspaper and nap. Half the time, when I go, the dumpster monitor is no where to be found! They should just have some one open the gates in the morning and lock them at night.
Nazareth Borough Web site: Having students do this is laughable. Not that they are incapable...they probably know more about HTML and webdesign than most adults. It is that they are not available year-round. What is going to happen in the summer or during winter holiday? Also, despite what the mayor thinks, the webiste would not be a very useful tool for emergency notification. I am I expected to check the site everyday to see if there is anything important I should know? Besides, I don't think my grandmother would pry herself away from MySpace long enough to notice the water-boil advisory on the Nazareth Web Site. TV and Radio and maybe an e-mail notification system are the best tools for this.

Anonymous said...

Driving in town and pedestrian safety is an issue for all of us and I agree that one way to do this is for the police to enforce speed limits and traffic laws. I have yet in the past year to see anyone pulled over in town or on the outskirts of town. The only time I see a police car is when there is an accident or they are trying to get to one. Broad street is terrible by the churches as well as Tatamy Rd off of Broad St., cars pass you on the Right when you are stopped to make a turn and they don't slow down. I thought it was illegal to pass at an intersection (especially on the right)but then again if you don't you are liable to get rear-ended because everyone thinks this is what you are suppose to do because everyone seems to be doing it. If I stop because there is a car infront of me waiting to turn all the cars behind me go flying around me on the right and then when I proceed to go straight after the car has turned I have to watch to the right of me or I'll be hit. I had commented earlier that I had called the cheif of police a few months back when a mini van rolled down broad street by the churches because I was concerned about the enforcement of the speed limit and traffic laws especially since there is a daycare center where children walk to the park. I called the police station 3 times and never received a return call from the cheif about my concern....I of course was not suprised. The other concern I have is that pedestrians also need to be aware of traffic. Many times the teenagers just walk out infront of you and take their good old time crossing the street. Their isn't much courtesy on either side. But seriously isn't it illegal to pass on the right and especially at an intersection? Why aren't the police in all townships enforcing this, Broad and Prospect st intersection is a night mare, their are cars coming from all directions, it is like russian roulette. Look at the income the townships could bring in if the police started citing people and sending the message we weren't gonna tolerate this careless driving. On another topic, I believe the warning siren that was spoke about would be a great asset to our community. When we had the issue with our drinking water many of us din't know about it. The siren could be used for many purposes to warn people in the community of hazards such as chemical spills, school incidents, imminent threats.

RossRN said...

You make a great point I hadn't hit on earlier and that is the kids who simply "wander" infront of traffic with no care in the world.

The bullet-proof mentality will work for a while, but as we all know it eventually ends in tragedy.

These kids will get away with walking in front of cars for a while, but it only takes one. It may not be intentional. It may be someone taking a phone call, turning to talk to their kid, or changing the cd or station on the radio, but given the speeds traveled it won't take much.

In short you're right. You can't be any more irresponsible as a pedestrian as a driver. Thanks for mentioning this.

Regarding the chief and police department's lack of a return call, I can't really say much of anything other than keep calling until they respond to you. It is their duty and obligation. You may not like the answer they give, but you deserve an answer - it's their job.

Anonymous said...

I followed the advice of a previous blogger and checked out the Nazareth High School web site.
The blogger was right in that several of the entries have not been updated in a long time. But what really boggled my mind was the grammar and punctuation the students used on the sites they created.
Are these entries supervised by a teacher?? Isn't someone checking the grammatical errors? Would the Nazareth website be set up in the same manner? If so, it would be an embarrassment to the town of Nazareth.

RossRN said...

While it will take some money to initially set up and there will be monthly hosting fees to an ISP, it seems what we need is an open source content management system that officials can log into and add or modify content.

Why have a middle person when you don't need one?

I'd like to see a system where each person can sign in and update pages relevant to their position or job responsibilities.

It may not be the prettiest site, but functionality and use are the two top priorities.