Thursday, February 08, 2007

Don't Forget

Tonight (Thursday, February 8) is the Resident to Candidate program at the Nazareth News Agency.

It begins at 7:00 p.m. and will end by 8:00 p.m.

Everything you need to know to run or recruit someone to run for local office.

There are many positions open this year on School Board, Council, and Supervisor and it would be great to give people choices on election day.

So if you've ever thought about it, this event will help you understand how one becomes a candidate, what you can expect in the election, and what you can expect once you become an official.

Current office holders not up for re-election this year and party officials will participate in panels and questions will be welcome from the audience throughout.

This is a free, non-partisan program and it will not be a discussion of issues or individuals, but simply how to become a candidate.

Hope to see everyone tonight!


Anonymous said...

The Nazareth Citizens Action Committee has been meeting with the intention of recruiting candidates. We will be there, and are looking forward to meeting potential candidates. We have been discussing ways we can continue to engage the community, in matters that affect our community lives.

We will be discussing various ways that we could support candidates.

So, if you are on the "fence", you may want to come out and meet us, to see how we can all help Nazareth continue to be a great place to live.

RossRN said...

Will have more in the morning, but thank you to everyone who came out tonight.

While I was a bit busy trying to follow my notes and what was being discussed, I did manage to count roughly 40 people at the News Agency for the program tonight and that speaks volumes for the people in the Nazareth area.

Thanks to Joe Long and Roy Shuman for taking time out of their schedules for sharing their insight on campaigns and the role of the party.

Thanks to Cindy Werner and Jack Herbst, members of Council who talked about what to expect in a first campaign and once you become a member of Council.

Thanks to everyone who helped spread the word and provided information that I was able to share.

I was worried no one would show up, but they did and at least from my perspective it was a worthwhile and valuable program.

Looking forward to another real world get together in the future.