Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Nazareth Borough Council Meeting 2-5-07

I unfortunately missed last night's Borough Council meeting (so if you were there, please comment on what we missed).

Both the Express-Times (read it here) and the Morning Call (read it here) reported on the naming of Detective Alan Koch as interim Police Chief.

The Morning Call's Arlene Martinez also reported:
  • approved vote to direct Engineer to create bid specs for the emergency system (multi-tone alarm).
  • approved vote to direct Engineer to create bid specs for the skate park.
  • advertise the implementation agreement for Nazareth Area 2030 (COG).


Anonymous said...

Although the meeting did cover the appointment of Alan Koch as interim chief of police and the never ending advance of Mayor Keller’s $20,000-(plus) multi-tone alarm system boondoggle. It also was the annual state of the borough mayoral address. And Mayor Keller did not let the people down. He spent a good deal of time calling those who opposed the expansion of borough government (building a new government center with all the bells and whistles in the park) cowards. Although he stressed (under fire by one of the ranting citizens; that would be me) that it was not all the protestors just those true cowards on the blogs. Yes the mayor should be praised for his astuteness (is that a word?)

The meeting was not without the wisdom of one of Nazareth Council’s most intellectual leaders (that would be bone-head Larry Stout) making his angry man imitation in support of the bone-head idea of the mayor’s for the multi-tone alarm system for $20,000 and counting.

Also the newly appointed council dupe Fred Daugherty Jr. chimed in with comments that no cost should be spared to protect the citizens of the borough. And I for one believe him. If the people have to be forced to give every cent they have to this group of wise men (current council) so they can protect us from who knows what, well, they are willing to do it (that is take your money, property, first-born, you get the picture).

I for one feel much safer knowing that council is watching over me.

Al Smith

RossRN said...

Al - you know you're killing me right?

I genuinely appreciate the update as I noted I missed the meeting. And no one can say you hid behind anonymity, but please try to hold back on the personal name calling (at least here).


Anonymous said...
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