Tuesday, February 27, 2007

School Board Meeting 2-26-07

Thanks to Brad Moulton for forwarding his notes from last night's Nazareth Area School Board Meeting. You can also read JD Malone's article in the Express-Times (here and a list of exceptions here) and Kelly-Anne Suarez of the Morning Call (read it here).

Meeting was short and sweet. But that doesn't mean there weren't some interesting developments....For those of you interested the Board Agenda is available here.

Ms. Callie, Mr. Pennington & Mr. Audenreid were absent. Minutes of last meetings approved. During questions of agenda items, I asked about Section VI, item I. which was the new admin position to be assumed by Ms. Grube. I asked two questions:

  1. Would Ms. Grube's position at the HS be back-filled or was her position at the HS to be eliminated? Dr. Lesky said it would be eliminated
  2. I followed that up questioning whether Ms. Grube would be the person I could ask about how we're going to handle the transportation issues arising from the new IS school. Given that past responses have been "were looking at staggered schedules", I wondered if this was something they were planning for. Apparently, they had a meeting today (Transportation Committee, 5:30 p.m. - 2/26) regarding this very matter. NASD has to set the bell schedules for the different schools (K-3, IS, MS, HS) and then discuss with Jennings.
After that, there was no community corner (there were only about 10-12 people in the audience) questions. They buzzed through the agenda items pretty quickly with some notable votes.... All votes were in favor (unanimously) with the exceptions below:

Section V., item E. was voted NO by Mr. Maher. This was to approve the operating budget of the Colonial IU 20 for 2007-2008, in the amount of $2,746,420, of which NASD's approx contribution would be $29,502.

Section VI, item I (Ms. Grube's admin position). Voted NO by Mr. Maher

Section VII, item D was voted NO by Mr. Maher. This was to award a bid to 5 Star Iternational of Harrisburg, PA for the purchase of a 2007 model twelve-foot van delivery truck in the amount of $49,599.

The summary of referendum exceptions was presented. I think it will be (if it's not already there) on the NASD website (they were not on am Tuesday, but ET link above has a list, other Act 1 related information is available here) so I won't go into details except these:

NASD has applied for the entire exception enchilada. It's $2,364,913. According to Mr. Maher this is just under a 3 mills or approx 7.6% increase in taxes including the 4.2% index we're already talking about. Now, the board was quick to point out that might not, probably won't, have to use this, but we need to make sure all of the bases are covered in case we need to. Again, Dr. Lesky "blamed" increasing special education costs which represented $785,068 of the total, the majority was $1,436,177 for school construction - A (grandfathered debt).

Dr. Lesky gave his Superintendent's Report. The one notable item was that NASD may have to return $47K that was given to the district for all day kindergarten. This money was/is to be used specifically for all day kindergarten. NASD is looking at options to use the $, but it was stressed we don't promote programs simply to use money that we are given.

During the final community corner, there were a few comments by a community member and myself.

One community member asked about the plain language wording of the Act 1 referendum question. His point was shouldn't it be stated at what point people pay more or pay less if the Act 1 referendum is passed. At the Act 1 tax commission meeting it was stated that there was a "break even" point. (All this information is available on the district website too). I cannot remember the number right now (the MC noted $54,000 and under pay less, over pay more), but basically if you owned a qualifying house and made below the break even point, you paid less taxes overall. If you owned a qualifying house and made above the break even point, you paid more taxes overall. If you were a renter, you basically paid more taxes regardless. Ms. Rishcoff stated that the state has "final say" on wording of the referendum questions but she/they would see what could be done about adding the above language to the referendum question.

The same community member asked about Section VII, item C (which the board passed) which authorizes the admin to submit to the PA Dept of Ed, a Self-Certification Application for a Non-Reimbursable Construction Project, for the installation of a synthetic turf field at the NASD HS Stadium as well as related work for a total estimated cost of $1,200,000. This community member wanted to know whether the $1.2M was part of the overall $58M MS project. It is NOT. However, Mr. Keller was quick to point out that this is not "just" for the turf field but for the site prep work, sidewalks, fencing, etc. He said that the turf portion was approx $400,000 (we probably could compare this to what Easton is looking at, knowing they are getting a turf field as well).

I asked about the fields that were going to be built on the Calandra's land but now will not be built there. I was told that NASD is currently looking for other sites but as of yet had not found any (or made any decision towards that goal).

My last question was about the MS schedule. Given the VERY tight schedule that was presented at the Act 34 meeting (go out for bids in April, award in May), I asked how are we doing with respect to schedule. I was told we are a month behind and that bids would go out in May, with awards in June. I followed that up with how does that impact our "move in" date for the MS because the original schedule had construction completed in July 2009, move in/start classes Aug 2009. Dr. Lesky said we may have to delay move in but they were more concerned with "doing it right" (the construction project).

The meeting ended at 8:15PM.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Brad for your notes about the school board. I find it interesting that now, in the middle of a school year; Ms.Grube is leaving the high school. I also find it interesting that in the high school will be at some of its highest levels of enrollment and they are losing a vice principal. This makes a person wonder why Ms. Grube is leaving. Were there problems at the high school? Just a question, I just do not understand why.

I personally did not go to the board meeting last night, because I know that this current board has no respect for the citizens who attend. It the past when I have attended I have seen several board members snicker and roll their eyes in disgust as citizens raise points or ask for clarification on issues. Until this current board sees major changes, I think we will have to accept back room deals that are being made and come to accept this board does what it wants not what is best for the students or community.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 7:51 post,
too bad that feeling is shared by other taxpayers as well. Why did Mrs. Grube leave a vp position open mid year that was so needed earlier on?

Anonymous said...

Wow - based on the amount of criticism the current school board is receiving, it looks like we should have quite a few candidates running for next year. It will be nice to see such a large number of candidates willing to serve!

Anonymous said...

Regarding MS and bell schedule, has anyone ever noticed that the MS clocks are all set wrong (at least) 5 minutes fast). That is definitely apparent when you arrive for a morning drop off and pickup or attend a youth basketball game.

Check your watch or cell phone clock against their clocks sometime.

RossRN said...

Relying only on my memory, I seem to recall that the 2nd VP position was created when a teacher was moved from the classroom for one year at no increase in pay to gain/fulfill requirements for their principal's certificate.

The position never disappeared at the end of the year, instead it was filled several times over.

To Sharon, I don't believe there is a correlation between comments and candidates. It'd be nice if there were, but it doesn't often seem to be the case.

As a reminder, if anyone is interested candidate petitions (which can be picked up at the Wolf Building) are due next week (Tuesday I believe). You only need 10 signatures, not much, if you're interested.

Finally, and again, based on my memory, the clocks were adjusted from those of the HS to accommodate the bus pick up and drop off when the new MS was built.

When they were on the same site the buses made one stop and picked up and dropped off students, both bells rang at the same moment.

With the then new MS, there was about 10 minutes needed to drop off at one, drive to the other, and drop off there. Roughly five minutes were gained by consolidating bus stops across all routes (which upset the parents whose children had to walk further in some cases) and another five were gained by off-setting the clocks.

I could be wrong, but I don't doubt it when you say they are off by 5 based on this recollection.

Anonymous said...

How can one building operate on a clock that is different than the rst of the world? What is NAMS its own time zone?

When you pull up "on-time" to dropp your kid off at 7:26 you are actually late. The refs are always scrambling into the gym on time to start a youth basketball game only to find the game already started by one official.

Signing off at 1:25 p.m. EDT -OR- 1:30 p.m. NAMSDT

Anonymous said...

That is utterly absurd-changing the clocks to fit a bus schedule?

Anonymous said...

Brad, thank you for taking the time to go to the meetings to keep us all in the loop. It is greatly appreciated by all!

I heard that Mr. Keller was delighted at the number of residents attending the board meeting last night and makes me wonder if anon 7:51 and 8:23 aren't the only two taxpayers feeling that they are a nusiance to the board unless you are on their side and saying what they want to hear???

One final note on the time table for the new MS. If this building isn't ready on time, (and I'll just say it right now, how many construction projects acutally go so smoothly that they all end on time??) where exactly will the 7th and 8th graders be attending school, since I'm assuming the current MS, now turning into the IS will be undergoing renovations at the same time? I have serious doubts that they can even complete the renovations of the current building over the summer since the new entry ways to all three elementary buildings couldn't be completed over one summer.

Anonymous said...

Is Mr. Pennington a Board member?

Anonymous said...

was wondering how the board/admin. could finalize the budget for next year without the teachers contract solidified?

RossRN said...

My understanding is that Mr. Pennington is a member of the board, but non-voting.

He is listed as a Board Member on the NASD web site.

RossRN said...

My understanding is that the teachers recently finally did see the contract, but I am unaware of any action taken on it.

Anonymous said...


My "sources" tell me the teachers saw their new contract last Friday but that it is not official (or was not as of yesterday). Apparently, they are discussing the defnintion of "is". Seriously, I understood it to be a formality and that they were just negotiating language.

RossRN said...

I think some of them finally saw the reality of what compaction plus the medical contribution will mean compared to what they have now or expected based on past contracts.

Seeing the new admin position come up on Monday in light of that probably wasn't the best timing.

Any of that not-withstanding, I do still believe it was a fair offer and I'd like finally see it put to rest.

Anonymous said...

Don't feel "fair" is quite the right word, Ross. From what I hear, it is more like a "gift" from the taxpayers. One our wallets will feel for years to come. - G.

RossRN said...

I guess fair as in can't/shouldn't complain.

Not to look too far ahead, but it will be very interesting to see what happens during the next contract (and I don't mean only the teachers) when the NASD has no money to give because of the debt and costs of this new building.

Anonymous said...

Any comments in light of the articles(one on cnn online) about making the school days longer? AS mentioned would be interesting to see what happens then with contracts across the board.

John Huber said...

Am I mistaken to read that the proposed 4.2% increase is now really over 7%? Or have I misunderstood the post...

Thanks in advance for the clarification...

RossRN said...

The Board had stated that it wanted to meet the index figure without the exemptions, BUT they did apply for and receive all the exemptions available to them.

What this means is that without voter approval they can raise taxes up to 7.6%.

There is a special budget meeting that I believe is on April 25 and following that I think you'll see the tax amount increase to somewhere between the current 4% and the max of 7.6%, but closer to the 7.6%.