Thursday, February 22, 2007

Upper Nazareth Approves NASD Plans

It was reported by JD Malone of the Express-Times (read his article here) and Arlene Martinez of the Morning Call (sorry couldn't find the link) that the Upper Nazareth Township Supervisors approved the plans the NASD presented for the new MS.

Malone's article noted that the approval included one-way entrance from Mitchell Avenue, whereas the NASD requested two-way traffic, and that the Township required improvements to Friendenstahl at Tatamy Road and East Lawn Road. The improvements would include assistance from the Township by way of permits and finances. The Township will contribute $78,000. The NASD had requested $108,000. The money is from developers and earmarked for traffic improvements, but the township decided to hold $30,000 for other parts of the township, and not use it all for the two impacted by the new school.

Martinez's article notes that the NASD's project manager, Jamie Lynch in an attempt to sway supervisors to make the entrance on Mitchell Avenue two-ways, "argued mingling the middle school students with young drivers was a dangerous situation." The Mitchell Avenue parking lot is currently for HS juniors.

Additionally, Asst. Superintendent Judith Swigart stated, "It'll work - it's just so hard to predict because student drivers [are inexperienced]". She also noted that the NASD would consider staggering dismissal times so drivers and students wouldn't mix.

The arguments are somewhat ironic considering the site selection was made based on the desire to have the shared "campus" environment, none-the-less, they are moving ahead and apparently at an already slightly higher cost than anticipated (given the requirements and $30,000 less than expected from the township to assist in road improvements).


Anonymous said...

Well, here we go....

I am wondering how staggering the schedules is going to work. We already have a staggered schedule based on transportation limitations. Currently, the MS/HS share buses and bell schedules. In the morning, they are picked up, dropped off at school and then the buses turn right around to pick up the ES students. In the afternoon, the ES students are bused home first and then the buses turn right around to pick up the MS/HS students. This situation, as mentioned by others (and even Dr. Lesky) has resulted in our ES having one of (if not THE) shortest bell schedules of all the LV ESs.

In 2009, we will have will have three different grade levels to transport. The K-3 will remain regionalized and therefore will have basically the same buses/routes that we have now. The MS/HS bus schedule will remain mostly the same as it is now too. However, we will have to figure out how to get those 4-5 graders (who used to be at a regional ES) out to the centrally located 4-6 IS. I asked about this at an earlier NASD board meeting and was told "we are looking at staggered schedules" (I am beginning to wonder if that's not the standard "pat" answer)

Given the above situation, how would/could NASD "stagger" the schedules any further to rectify the situation with Mitchell Ave? Any ideas?

In addition, the article I saw in the MCall said that NASD would be responsible for the two intersection improvements as well as the widening of Freidenstahl Rd (which I know from previous meetings is NOT included in the $58M school price)

Anonymous said...

Wondering are the plans to widen Friedenstahl Ave going to take place across the creek? That could get very expensive. I know there was talk of aligning the intersection at 191.

Anonymous said...

What prior experience does Mrs. Swigart have to state that "It'll work” My knowledge of her prior experience is in education, not traffic concerns like road construction and traffic flow problems! And what if it doesn't work! I am tired of just going along with the administration of this district. Where's the data that proves this will work. This is a data driven district, show me the data!

Anonymous said...

I was at that meeting.

They will be widening Friedenstahl in front of the school only.

It seemed that the engineer was grasping when saying that the "mingling" could be a problem, they had previously asserted that most of the Mitchell lot would be using the Friedenstahl exit anyway.

I also think that originally the NASD was considering paying for the road/traffic light improvements completely. I think that the $78,000 the township is now going to contribute is a unplanned bonus.

John Huber said...

Actually I was at the NASD Board meeting... they were banking on $100,000 from upper nazareth.... well again were in over our heads...

RossRN said...

The Morning Call article also noted that the NASD wanted the entire amount.

I don't see where any of this money should go to the school district. Developers have created traffic issues as a result of the homes they are building.

The impact fees the township collected are not for the school, but for the township.

Address the needs of your residents (and I do believe a light or something is needed at East Lawn and Friedenstahl/Schoeneck Ave.).

If the building were located in lower, bushkill or the borough, these funds would not be available.

The NASD is getting a free ride here - and it is still costing them money.

Is it just me or doesn't this make any sense?

Anonymous said...

No. The fees collected were for this intersection.

Anonymous said...

Only $48,000 of the fees were collected specifically for that intersection. There was another $60,000 that was given by a townhouse type development out near Bath.

Anonymous said...

To finish my last comment. The $60,000 was supposed to be used for Traffic improvements in the township, No specific intersection.

Anonymous said...

This may not directly apply here, but I am wondering if anyone saw the board notes for Monday nite... Marge Grube is being recommended as the Coordinator of Transportation and Auxiliary Services at the price tag of $86, 000- which is her current salary. But, my guess, is they are taking that "position" out of the high school- directly impacting services delivered to kids. They certainly are building up the transportation department- first with Judy S. and now Marge-

and word on the street has it that they will be reducing administrative supports in special ed, with some "restructuring", even though special ed is growing quite rapidly in the district.

Something to watch.

Anonymous said...

and that is the amount the Township has collected. They also said there were fees they have not collected. Why? They have been talking about the need to improve Friedenstah and 191 for years. Its about time its getting done.

Anonymous said...

thought the township was hard up for money????? they didn't have enough to fully fund the library

Anonymous said...

to Anonymous 611
The developer that is giving that money has not begun work on his development. Before he starts he would be required to give that $48,000.

to Anonymous 949
I don't think the township ever said it was hard up for money, even during the library budget talks.