Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Election 2007 - Get Out and Vote!

The 2007 Primary Election is here and while the off-year local election typically generates the lowest voter turnout, there are a few things that are critical to many area residents (in no order):
  • How well will the voting machines and elections office operate? Next year is a Presidential race and they need to enter it with no outstanding issues.
  • How will voters respond to Act 1? This is the school tax shift providing a rebate to property owners under an income threshold (roughly $50,000) with an Earned Income Tax increase to all to off-set the rebates. Plus side - helps homeowners on fixed incomes, a baby step off property tax to ability to pay. Down side - renters will pay more (as all will have an increased EIT) and higher income will pay more (as they will be eligible for the rebate, but the rebate won't negate the increased amount based on the EIT).
  • Who will be the District Magistrate candidates in the fall? A slate of five candidates are vying for positions on the ballot (or to win both party nods in the spring) and all have well-represented themselves in the primary.
To look up the polling location where you vote - click here.

The County Election office information is here.

For information on races and candidates, view past Election 2007 posts here or visit Bernie O'Hares Lehigh Valley Ramblings, which has information on many local races in and out of Nazareth.


Bushkill Township Guy said...

There are very few comments posted here since you made people register, despite some very significant news. The site is not nearly as interesting without broad participation. I again ask you return to your old policy...I know you think only a few people post, and that may be true, but I am willing to bet many of those who come to the site do so (at least in part) to read the posts. Sooner or later your viewership will be hurt.

Again, we are all adults...we can decide which posts offer valid information, and which do not. As adults, we also realize that free, open, uncensored participation has benefits as well as a cost - i.e.; the occasional jerk.

Today is election day - honor democracy and free speech by removing the registration requirement so all can discuss the results on Wednesday!

Sincerely, BTG

Unknown said...

Ross - I have to agree with BTG. I never posted truly "anonymously" in that I always provided contact information; but it was using the Blog Anonymous posting capability.

Just don't need yet another login and password.

Bernie O'Hare said...


I've hesitated to say anything because I've already ragged you over writing a piece about a paid link. And just Friday, I received a letter from a Bethlehem attorney threatening me with libel. The threat was not from anything I wrote, but was actually directed at some remarks made by one of my commenters.

But I still think blogs are far more lively and informative when they are a two-way street. I have no intention of banning anonymous comment and told that lawyer to fire away. As it happens, the law does protects bloggers from any legal action based on comments made by one of your readers. There's something n the Telecommunications Act, which I may have to review soon.

What you have to say about Nazareth is important. But the readers should have a free range to make their views known. I learn far more from readers than they learn from me.

I know how it feels to read a blog comment disparaging me or someone else. But I've learned that most blog readers see through the bullshit very quickly. They see through mine every day.

I agree w/ BTG and Webadmin.

RossRN said...

Please take no offense at the lack of response as you'll see on the main page my dsl went out and I was traveling today.

Regarding this whole issue, as I noted I've been working on some things and have decided to post it all to the test site I created, hopefully I'll lay it out in a coherent manner.

It is not an easy or simple issue and there are merits to many points of view.

Bernie, the EFF, I'll have the link on the pages I've mentioned once I have them ready for release addresses what bloggers need to know and, yes, courts have ruled the owner of the site is not responsible for libel of others comments (or something to that affect). The very ruling also complicates owners trying to protect their site because stating you will be responsible for others can imply that you are liable. Again, not a simple issue, which is why I've been taking my time working through it.

There will bunches to read and plenty to discuss, but as it doesn't relate to the place of Nazareth, I thought it more appropriately discussed elsewhere, and yes I will have that site fully open to non-registered comments.

Today set me back a bit, hope to have it by end of week.
