Wednesday, May 23, 2007

More From Monday's School Board Meeting

JD Malone of the Express-Times had two articles in regard to Monday's School Board meeting.

The first addressed the budget (read it here) noting that the $1.2 million 'windfall' of unexpected revenue from assessments will be used to add items back into the budget and the balance will go to the 'reserve'. The overall increase over this year is 6.6%.

It would seem that the 'left-over' money should have been used to reduce this year's tax increase. Unfortunately, the NASD (and many others I'm sure) have come to view the state's Act 1 tax index as the amount it is ok to tax people up to.

The other comment of interest was made in regard to the 3rd change order to the field turf project. Only one of the three change orders has actually had anything to do with this project. The other two are to create a new parking lot and the other is to replace the sidewalks on Center Street infront of the HS entrance and gym entrance. Using change orders allows the NASD to avoid competitive bids. In response to the decision to use a change order, in the article Board President Don Keller is quoted as saying, "We had an opportunity to save the taxpayers money, and we're doing it."

The parking lot was an approved summer capital project needed because the NASD chose to get rid of the existing one and was expected to cost $78,000, but the change order 'only' costs $62,400. The 'savings' to the taxpayer is in fact an expense of $62,400.

The second article noted that one policy now covers all electronic devices (read it here). Specific prohibitions are noted below (read the policy here - end of the agenda).
  • Prohibits possession of laser pointers and attachments, and telephone paging devices/beepers at all times.
  • Prohibits use of personal communication devices or instructional electronic devices in school, on school property and on school sponsored activities.
  • Prohibits use of cellular telephones that can take pictures or record audio or video.
  • Cellular telephones shall be turned off at essentially all times.
  • prohibits possession and use by students of any device that provides for a wireless, unfiltered connection to the Internet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think the cell phone policy is a good idea, especially regarding picture and audio recording capabilities.

However, I wonder if this includes faculty as well. On numerous occasions, I have heard from my kids about teachers making and taking personal calls, sometimes in the middle of the class.

Do as I say and not as I do?