Wednesday, May 16, 2007

School Board Election Results

Region I - 2 Seats (incumbent Angela Callie did not run for re-election)

In the most ridiculous situation resulting in a handful of streets in Palmer Township Upper West being in the NASD - 8 Republicans and 18 Democrats voted in the School Board race. Ken Butz and Chad Cornell cross-filed, while Lorin Bradley only ran on the Republican ticket. Butz won both sides, with Bradley finishing second on the Republican side. Same results in Tatamy, though there were larger numbers.

In Bushkill, Bushkill Center had Butz on D and Bradley on R with Butz 2nd, Cherry Hill had Butz winning both, but the R side over Bradley by only 3 votes, and Clearfield also had Butz winning both, but again the R side was over Bradley, this time by 4 votes.

The Morning Call reports the vote total to be 282 to 274 Butz over Bradley, but since each party can select two candidates (Butz's seat and Callie's vacated one) it will be all three vying for two seats in the fall.

Region II

Incumbent Tom Maher won both tickets in Upper Nazareth East and both of Lower Nazareth's polling places.

Region III - No Candidates (Board President Don Keller did not run for re-election)
Upper Nazareth West, Stockertown, and Nazareth Borough - none of the voting districts had more than 10 write-in votes.

I believe there is a way that a party can nominate a candidate for a vacant seat if there is none selected in the primary, but will need to check on that. If you are interested in representing these areas on School Board and would like to learn how to do so, contact your party officials, or feel free to contact me and I'll get you in touch with your party's officials.

I also believe if this position is not filled the Board will select an individual to fill the vacancy.


justc said...

I wanted to thank everyone who voted for me in the primary. The election rules are a little confusing since there are two seats vacant but as you have written no candidate was eliminated. I just wanted to point out that although I did not top either the Democratic or Repiblican ticket, when you combine both parties votes Butz had 500+votes, I had about 400 and Bradley had 274, and in the fall this is how the votes are counted! Thanks again everyone.
Chad Cornell

Bushkill Township Guy said...

Butz is the incumbent, and the one we need to vote out in order to send a message: you will not be re-elected if you support unsustainable levels of spending. This is not a republican or democrat is an issue for everyone. I did not vote for him on Tuesday, and I will spend the next 6 months educating people on why they should vote for Cornell and Bradley in November.

By the way, Cornell and Bradley, take heed as to why you have my support: we need common sense applied on budget issues. Sure, we can float a bond to pay for the $5MM pool, but what about the hundreds of thousands of dollars it will add to our annual operating expenses? Where does it end? Hopefully with the two of you...


nazomom said...

I'm with "bushkill township guy." I will assist in educating as many people as I can throughout the next six months in support of Cornell and Bradley.

If we do not begin to break-up the "Lesky Clan" things are never going to change in Nazareth!

Nazareth needs a "Ron Angle" to keep things honest!