Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Further Update to Jacobsburg Bridge Issue

Rep. Dally's office was kind enough to forward this additional information on the Bridge at Jacobsburg sent from the PA DCNR office's Legislative Liaison:

This is information in response to your inquiry about the repair of thefoot bridge at Jacobsburg State Park. Unfortunately this bridge damage was flood related and since it is notconsidered an emergency it needs to go through a long process of Stateand Federal assessment, submission of project estimates, approval toproceed with design, development of plans and specifications and thenrelease of the money for construction. We also needed to look at adifferent design since the original bridge did not meet currentstandards. We attempted to work with PA DOT so that we could attach anew footbridge to the existing highway bridge but that was denied.Several other options were explored and there is now a consultantassigned to do permitting and preparing plans and specifications for afiberglass structure with associated abutments. We will use State andFederal money to pay for the new bridge. We are cautiously optimisticthat it can be done before fall of 2008, possibly as early as spring of2008.

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