Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Library Funding From State Again At-Risk

We were at the Library on Monday to sign-up for the Summer Reading Program and my older daughter took part in the art activity, which she really enjoyed.

While there I noticed three items worth mentioning.

First, Upper Nazareth has a vacancy on the Library Board. If you are interested contact the Township to learn how you can apply to fill the position.

Second, the Summer Reading Program kick off event is Wednesday.

Third, the State Budget as it currently exists includes a three tenths of one percent increase for the Public Library Subsidy. The PA Libraries Association is advocating for a 3.5% increase.

Library funding is based on the state money plus that from the supporting communities and donations. The biggest challenge for the libraries right now is that area inflation is at about 7% so even the 3.5% would leave them short of cost of living adjustments, compound this with the huge hit in funding the Libraries took in 2003-2004 when Rendell recommended cutting the Library fund in half and the situation is that much worse.

The eventual cuts to the Library fund budget resulted in a situation where the Library Funding Formula could not be met. As is noted on the PA Libraries Association web site:
The funding formula was specifically developed to do two things: first, to bring all libraries up to a minimum level of service, using state funds, and second, to provide incentives for local government to better fund public libraries. When the Office of Commonwealth Libraries is unable to run the formula, as has been the case since FY 2003-2004, there is no incentive for local government to step up its efforts to improve funding, as all libraries receive the same percentage increase. With a sufficient investment in the Public Library Subsidy, the distribution of funds will recognize the increases in local funding made by some local governments over the past few years, without decreasing funding below the FY 2006-2007 levels for any library.
Having adequate funding for the Public Libraries is critical to local investment in them. With the funding formula in place, local investment will be further rewarded. The biggest winner will be the people who can benefit from programs like "Young Authors", "Summer Reading Programs", "Story Hours", and all the other events in addition to the access to the internet, materials for research, preservation of local history, and leisure of reading a good book.

It may be easy to overlook the benefit of the library, but it is critical as it is an equalizer and enabler for many people and used by many more.

If you want to see more funding allocated to the Library Fund, discussions are taking place in Harrisburg now. Contact Senator Boscola, Rep. Grucela, or Rep. Dally to encourage them to support your position.


RossRN said...

I was asked in an email to post this comment by a reader:

In days of increasing taxes, gas prices, and general inflation, libraries are so vital to our community. We need our communities to help library staff fight this battle and raise awareness of the importance of library programs.

Not only are libraries keeping up to date with technology, they also help patrons to develop and maintain literacy skills that have huge impacts upon success. Here is the link for the American Library Association's advocacy page.

I hope our community takes your suggestion to write to our representatives and congressmen. Thank you for making this post so we can all be aware that public libraries need our help and learn how best to support them.

Karen Hornberger

Nazareth Community Member and High School Library Media Specialist

Brad Moulton said...

Hi Karen! I agree that libraries are important today for both old and young and should be funded adequately. Nazareth is very fortunate to have the quality of libarary and libarary services that we do.

Unfortunately, the link didn't show up correctly. So here it is again:

American Library Association's advocacy page

Check out the site.