Thursday, June 21, 2007

New Comment Options

Since requiring site registration to post comments, obviously there have been fewer comments, but surprisingly the readership has remained about the same (I expected a bit of a drop as we got into summer).

Management of the site has been much easier and frankly I like that aspect.

I'm going to keep the NOC site the same, but I'm going to begin to utilize Google's Discussion forum's as a place to talk about the issues.

In this way, people who want the news and information can come to NOC and get it without having to read through tons of comments that may or may not be appropriate, and those that want to talk about the issues and do so without registration can do that as well.

Let me know if things go awry, this is the first time I'm using the service, but I think it can meet the needs of all interested readers.

I also plan to use discussion pieces here on the main site to keep everyone informed of what is being talked about.

The first discussion item is in regard to State Senator Boscola (go talk about it here) and the second is about this concept all-together (let me know what you think here). But please do try to keep to acceptable civil standards and let one another know when individuals have gone beyond it.

Best wishes,


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