Monday, June 25, 2007

School Board Meeting Tonight (Maybe)

The last attempt at a School Board meeting was canceled due to a lack of quorum. We'll see if tonight will gather enough members to have one at 7:30 p.m. at the Admin Board Room.

The agenda was very similar to the last one (overview of highlights here) and the only real addition I noticed was correspondence from Rep. Grucella requesting a meeting between Stockertown, the NASD, the County, and the Library System. The letter was submitted as a result of Stockertown's refusal to support the public library, which in turn results in residents not being eligible for an Access PA library privileges.

While this is only a discussion, what I would not like to see happen is some arrangement that results in other bodies paying Stockertown's fees (or a portion thereof) that are supported by tax dollars of those of us who are already paying for our own library service. For instance, having the NASD pay a portion would be unfair to those in other municipalities whose taxes already support the library and now they'd be paying for someone else who simply doesn't feel like paying. The result would be incentivizing everyone to drop out of the system and let someone else foot the bill.

1 comment:

Traci said...

I'm sorry you feel I don't have the right to belong to your library and the unserved children don't deserve to have access to the library. "On July 1, 1731, Benjamin Franklin and a group of members from the Junto, a philosophical association, drew up "Articles of Agreement" to form a library. Members could borrow books freely; non-members could also borrow books — if they put up a surety, something of value that could be sold if the book was not returned." I'm not asking you or anyone else to pay,I'm only asking for a fair service the cost is the same for me and you except you get a full service and I don't. Do you know that many other towns pay in different ways? I want the school district and the other bodies invited to the meeting compromise and at least find a way to allow our children the opportunity to read and have access to all available reading material. I thought you were the kind of person who likes to share,I hope I wasn't wrong.