Sunday, July 01, 2007

All Day K Notification at Shafer

It appears that those individuals who put in for the lottery to participate in the all day K pilot program at Shafer have been informed if they were accepted (I personally did not submit my daughter's name for consideration and I haven't heard from anyone who was informed they were not accepted).

I also understand Mr. Mudlock personally called those who were accepted and the phone call was followed by a letter.

The letter read in part:
Due to the large number of interested parents, a lottery was created and students were randomly selected based on the results of the kindergarten screening process. There are twenty students participating in the program.

You are cordially invited to attend a discussion session for the full day kindergarten program on July 26, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. in the large group room.
Twenty students will make this class a bit larger than ideal given class size targets that were discussed during the spring, but I do understand there will be a full time aide in this classroom so that should help with the ratio.

I also thought it was interesting that the random selection was based on the screening process. This strikes me as a contradiction. One person I discussed this with thought it was a stratified lottery. For instance 20 students were chosen from equal parts of the testing curve 4 from top 20%, 4 from next 20% and so on. I also heard that some EDK (who were notified several weeks ago) were either placed in this class or won the lottery so that group was represented as well (30 students most at-risk for falling behind in K are eligible to participate in EDK which is regular K in the morning then they are grouped together in the afternoon for extra help as I understand it).

If you have any further information to share, post a comment or email me at

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