Wednesday, July 18, 2007

ET Follow-up on Skate Park Closure

JD Malone of the Express-Times has an article (read it here) following up Monday's closure of the Skate Park that focuses on public officials' responses to what happened and recommendations for how to make it better in the future - in short, better communications.

In the article Malone writes:
Councilman Jack Herbst said Bowers told him Monday morning the park was closed due to trash, only to have Bowers tell him late Monday afternoon he closed it for safety reasons.

Bowers never told acting chief of police Alan Koch why he closed the park, so Koch opened it at noon only to have Bowers close it again. "

And further:
Councilman William Matz wants a supervisor at the skate park to monitor safety and uphold the park's rules against foul language, smoking and poor manners. Coyle supports that idea.

Herbst said the skaters should police themselves.

"If (the public property committee) sees a dangerous thing, we have the right to close it down," Bowers said.

Bowers said if borough hall or the police wanted to know why the park was closed, they should have called him.

"I can make that decision without (the police's) help or Jack's (Herbst) help, for that matter," Bowers said.

The Public Property Committee is comprised of three individuals, Bowers (Chairman), Larry Stoudt, and Cindy Werner. While the Skate Park is a piece of Public Property, the Law Committee (Herbst, John Samus, Werner) submitted the Skate Park rules which were reviewed by insurance and counsel prior to adoption. Further, the facility, based on reports citing Herbst in the newspapers, was assembled by the equipment manufacturing company and reviewed by the insurance company in advance of Saturday's opening. How Bowers could determine it was unsafe when the manufacturer and insurance didn't have objections is a question that needs to be addressed, so too could be the implications on liability now if someone does get hurt in-light of his assertion.

I noted earlier that I believed Bowers attempted to provoke a response by shutting the Skate Park down with neither warning nor explanation and created a situation to incite the users of the facility to behave in a way that could be used against them. Taking the brunt of the abuse was Park Manager Heather Coyle who was put in the unenviable and potentially dangerous position of having to explain the closure without having any information to forty or more upset teenagers.

This brings me to Bowers' closing assertions. His committee's rights and the chain of command.

At the 5/31/07 Council Workshop Meeting there was a conversation I summarized as follows:

"Law Committee had several items:
  • Policies and procedures for the Park Manager to ensure her safety when tending to Park matters.
  • Skate Park rules need to be added to Park regulations and must be approved by Council (a draft was distributed)
  • Discussion within the Skate Park rules first raised by Councilman Bowers on the difference between "Refrain" and "No" when beginning the sentence "use of profanity". Then in regard to who the "Borough" was in the context the Borough reserved the right to close the Skate Park at any time for any period of time as deemed necessary (my summary, not actual wording). Ultimately Council President Chiavaroli noted the Park Manager ought to inform Police to close and if serious incident Public Works Committee should determine the length of closure. It was later agreed after more discussion that the "Borough" was adequate for the rule and procedure could determine those eligible to do so."
No where in this conversation did it say that Public Property Committee could shut down the Skate Park. It said the Park Manager could inform police to close the park and then the Committee would determine the length of closure.

Based on this the Park Manager was responsible to make the decision, not the Chairman of the Committee.

There is, however, a loophole. The final rule reads (read them all here):
The Borough reserves the right to close the facility for any circumstances deemed necessary, restrict entry to the facility and ask persons to leave the facility if any of the guidelines are not followed or if unsafe behavior is observed.
The Borough, as noted in the summary above, was never publicly defined. Typically, this would refer to administrative function, Mayor, Police, etc., not individual Council members, though Bowers took it upon himself to be the Borough and outlined his own chain of command in the absence of a written one.

In the end we may blame communications, and this had a large part, but ultimately our Council did not do an adequate job in determining a procedure to address the Skate Park. More clarity should have been given in regard to what would constitute grounds for a closure, who other than the Park Manager and Police were able to (as outlined in the summary) close the Park, how the closure would be communicated, and finally what would take place following a closure (was mentioned in the summary).

By not taking the time to work this out we are left with a bad start to a controversial project and have put ourselves in a hole we need to work out of. The Council, having allocated funds and building the facility, have an obligation to make this Park work for the taxpayers and the Skate Association has a responsibility to work with them to see it happen.


Unknown said...

Bower's will be gone (not) soon enough.

Let me predict the future if this jerk (and all in his frame of mind) gets his way:

A) Someone gets hurt, they don't sue, but hey its a good enough excuse. We throw away $70K and close the skate park. We pay another $50k to take it all down. The skaters have no place to skate and go back to the basketball courts, businesses, and back alleys — running from the cops.

B) No one gets hurt. But some kid slips up, falls, and curses. The "supervisor" (I wouldn't be surprised if they hire Bowers to do it) kicks out this kid, and all his friends because lets face it — they're all going to stand up for one another — so they all get kicked out. The skaters have no place to skate and go back to the basketball courts, businesses, and back alleys — running from the cops.

As one skater was quoted — "Its (skating) my life". No matter what the rules are these kids won't stop skating. But, as we see, some people just don't get that.

So, in my mind, there is a choice here. Either get over your issues and make this work for the kids (be it reasonable rules, and precautions), or prepare to chase these kids around town for the rest of our lives. Thats our choice!

Chris Miller said...

Mr. Stilfx
You make no progress by referring to someone as a jerk. And keep in mind that there are a lot of people who are not overly fond of skateboarders. Why? Because they act as outlaws. The perception is that skateboarders are sloppy looking individuals with long hair who get together to smoke cigaretts or some weed and possibly drink adult beverages illegally. What is particularly annoying is that many folks, myself included, have had bad experiences with kids skate boarding on private property without permission. Then to add to the situation the adult has the pleasure of listening to a garbage mouth.
Skate boarders have a huge image problem and Mr. Herbst has pointed this out to them. This new facility is their's to loose and if they misbehave that will happen. I think that a lot of people in and out of the borough knew this was going to be a cantankerous issue. The borough council, to its credit, took it on and came up with a park using funds that could readily have gone to other neglected and possibly more worthy projects like street repaving. But they decided to do something for the kids. Good for council. Now let's hope that with the assistance of the parents that the kids do us proud. If they mess up the park, if they go back out and trespass on private property, if they maintain the perception repercussions will certainly follow.

Amused said...

"Foul language, smoking, and poor manners" are reasons for removal or closure for the skatepark? REALLY???

Who gets to be judge and jury on that one? Why do the same rules not apply at all of our public facilities? The pool? Has foul language or poor manners ever occurred at the pool? What about our school football games and wrestling matches? The last soccer game I attended, the parents got into a fight!

While we are at it, let's make ALL of Nazareth a 'No smoking zone'. Why limit this to only the skate park? I don't particularly like people smoking around me whether it's walking down the street, in the car next to me, or sitting in the park. I don't care how old they are. The same goes for foul language and poor manners. Let's simply eject everyone from Nazareth who does any of this.

If my suggestion sounds ridiculous-- then so does that rule!! It's discriminatory and you are definitely looking for a lawsuit. This is an open invitation for the ACLU.

I don't condone any of this behavior in our teens, however, I am not foolish enough to think that they are not experimenting with bad language and this is not just our 'skaters'. Sometimes when I read these comments on this site, it sounds as though some of you people were born in your 40's and can't remember being a teenager.

For all the talk about safety, how many of you put your children on the carnival rides several weeks ago in the same park? Where was Bowers then? Probably on the ferris wheel! Do you know how UNSAFE they are? How many of you let your kids ride their bikes without a helmet?

Are you really concerned about the safety of these kids or just trying to pick on them for the actions of a few?

Think about it...

ryan said...

For the comment amused made.. i dont attend football games or soccer games for that matter. The youth sporting events i do take in, if foul language is used by a parent in the stands they are to be removed immediately. They have cracked down on that in the last few years. I would say the same holds true for football.. Unfortunately we are not talking about football at the current time.

It seems like stilfx and the rest of the skating community have come to the conclusion that we the taxpayers of the community "owe" you something. To get the record straight, noone "owes" you guys anything. To the disapproval of 3/4 of the borough this park was built. Most had concerns over safety, insurance, and the overall apect of who would be hanging out there. So 4 days into this little adventure you have proven the majority right. Keep in mind that this skate zone is right at the entrance and within ear shot of the swing sets and playground in which the kids use ( as in under 10). The majority of people use foul language at some point in the there life. its common nature. Parents who have there kids out for a day, do not need to hear a barrage of f' bombs coming from some moron kid who couldnt make a jump. or thinks it is just cool to talk like that.

If we are supposed to feel threatened by the 1st post of kids will go back to private property skating, then so be it. Please have your parents checkbook ready (because we know 3/4 of you guys are unemployed and will be that way for some time)to keep paying the fines and paying for the boards that are confiscated. There are rules in life that not everyone agrees with. Do skateboarders get discriminated against in Nazareth? the answer to that question is Yes. Did skateboarders bring the majority of it on themselves? The answer to that is Yes.

On a side note, i had the opportunity to meet the park manager a few times and she is a very nice lady. From a few of the reports i heard, the foul language used by the skaters/ AND there parents towards her is totally out of line. You even have the newspapers saying how disrespectful you guys are. Maybe im old school here, but if i ever used an f' word towards someone when my dad was standing next to me, i got smacked and disciplined. It seems like the new wave of people moving in here (Jersey/New York), this is acceptable in the city and you are doing a wonderful job of raising your children here. Arguments happen all the time, i have never once heard my parents use some of these words around me. Thats not to say they dont say them, its just not around there children.

The rides at the carnival are inspected before each day. I wouldnt ride them, but hey thats me. It sounds like a guy looking out for the safety of kids, and trying to keep the park from becoming a pig-stein and everyone on here chastises him. I think the guy had a legitimate gripe. Did he just lock you guys down and say "i hate all skaters, screw your park".. No, he had a concern over some equipment that he dubbed was unsafe. And the fact that you guys dont know how to use a garbage can..

Unknown said...

Ryan, is a pig-stein a new type of glass from which to drink beer? I believe you had made the comment on another thread about a person's ability to type and spell. Take a good look in the mirror and your own post.

As for the foul language, I think Amused was refering to the students that attend these events as well as the parent. I have been at a few and was more than surprised to hear the language coming out of some kid's mouths. They would make a Drill Sargeant proud.

As for Bowers, what right does he have to say something is unsafe when the Boroughs insurance company had signed off on the safety? I would love to see his credentials for performing safety inspections and the agency that licenses him.

If he cares SO much about safety, where are the regulation and laws that demand and enforce children under 16 to wear a helmet when they ride a bike? Amused again has that one right.

Mabye you should step outside of your bigotry against these kids, remember what your childhood was like, and realize that Bowers is insane.

Keep pushing on these kids, and surely, they will push back at you.

Chris Miller said...

Mr. Amused
I know you will find this hard to believe but I agree with you that the laws need to be enforced at all public functions. Someone at another spot on this blog mentioned that folks had taken their dogs to a concert at the park. Certainly not a wise move given that the dogs could defecate on the lawn causing you or me an unhappy moment. Worse, the dogs could bite someone intentionally or unintentionally.

We have become a nation of quiet people due to political correctness. Is it really up to the police to monitor foul language, smoking of cigaretts, and poor manners. No it is not. That is your job and mine. Adults should be telling children that foul language will not be tolerated and keep in mind that they can indeed be charged with verbal abuse. Smoking by teens is illegal in PA but parents should tell kids not to do it particularly if an adult complains. I smoked cigaretts and when a person asked me if I would kindly put it out, I did. I limit my occassional cigar smoking to my own backyard or side porch and the golf course. As to poor manners, this obvioulsly falls unto the parents and again adults. You, and I presume you are an adult, do not do any child a favor by allowing them to get away with bad behavior, something that will only cause them embarrassment in the future.

There was a time in this nation when adults in the community corrected children for acting poorly. Now we have parents who think it is a kids right to run around with posterior or breasts exposed to the public. I say shame on you for allowing that to happen.

As to the other matters, smoking weed and illegal drinking, that indeed is a matter for the police and punishment is outlined in the law.

Keep in mind that I stated that the problem skate boarders have is the image the public has of them. As a hunter I am well aware of image. I do not tie my dead deer to the fender or the roof top because my community has changed and I know that I could offend someone. Why would I do that? I do not hang my deer in the yard to skin it out or remove the remainder of the entrails for the very same reason. All of us, including the skate boarders, want to be respected but that is something to be earned not given.

If you indeed have complaints about the way local laws are enforced take the matter to your borough council, point out that laws are not being enforced and that what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

ryan said...

you have never heard the slang pig-stein? it means a dump, something out of a trailer park, messy.

"Keep pushing on these kids, and surely, they will push back at you."

Is this some type of threat? Are community members supposed to be shaking now? What are they gonna do..start spray painting buildings? cause damage to peoples property?

Amused said...


One could assume that you are a foul-mouthed, poor mannered, smoker from your reaction to my post. :o)

Just kidding! Seriously, I was just trying to say 'let's not punish a large group of kids for the actions of a few bad ones'. Surely ALL kids who ride skateboards cannot be bad. Take Michael J. Fox for example -- has anyone seen 'Back to the Future' or did you ban it because of the skateboard?

As for pig-stein --the term you are searching for is 'pig sty'. And it is the place where a pig resides. A stein is usually referring to a mug of sorts.

Chris-- I won't even respond to your post-- except -- I am a Mrs.!

Still amused.

ryan said...


Very good post. everything you said was right on the money.


Thank you for correcting me. I had my terms mixed up.

Unfortunately i have seen enough of the subject at hand. I said my mind. In short, dont be idiots guys, people are looking for anything and everything to nail you guys for. its unfair, but this is the world we live in, so deal with it!

Thanks again Ross for giving us this forum to vent and share opinions. You do a great job.

Unknown said...

To clear up my comment that if you push these kids, surely they will push back, was not a threat. I am 40+ years old and haven't been on a skateboard since I was in my early teens.

It is basic psychology 101. The more you tell a specific group what they are, the more they will become what you told them they are.

So, I will make it completely clear for everybody.

You keep telling these kids that ride skateboards that they are bad and disrespectful, regardless if it is only a small subset of them, then the rest will begin to behave that way because that is how they are treated regardless of the reality.

I keep hearing from posters that you want respect from these kids, yet ALL of you have lumped them into a single category of destroying property and being disrespectful.

Respect is a two way street. To get it, you have to give it.

There is a lot of talk about the litter. Yes, it was there, and if you bothered to read the MCall article, the kids admitted as much and cleaned up the park immediately after it was openned (again, per the article). My guess is you won't see garbage left behind again.

However, I equate Bowers reaction of closing the park akin to curing dandruff through decapitation.

Ryan is indeed right that these people are gunning for the skater, so don't give them an excuse. I personally want to see all the naysayers eating a ton of crow when this park is proven to be a success.

Unknown said...

@anonymous - this park is a proven success, just ask any one of those kids. Now to prove it to the nay-sayers, I don't know.. the kids may just have to cure cancer down there before it is good in their eyes.

1) Progressive or not — My definition of jerk is someone who for no other reason than his own agenda kicks kids out of a park and locks it down.

I mean come on! Without even a quick 2 minute cell phone call to I don't know — Jack Herbst, any one of the City Council members, the parks insurer, maybe the congressman who did attend the grand opening, anyone!

Instead, he goes over everyone else's head and greedily takes matters into his own hands — as an anti-skateboarding vigilante. No matter which way you slice it, that fits the definition of jerk.

2) I, 32, college grad, employed, home owning, married, father and skateboarder, who at one point in my life had dreadlocks, pay local taxes just like you. Guess what happened, I grew up, and guess what's going to happen to these annoying kids — they'll grow up too.

Just because their image isn't your image doesn't mean they're all bad kids. And furthermore, they are especially NOT ALL kids who drink, smoke, drug, curse, destroy property, leave trash at the park, etc. No matter how you categorize them.

Quote: "The borough council, to its credit, took it on and came up with a park using funds that could readily have gone to other neglected and possibly more worthy projects like street repaving."

You're wrong. The city's contribution was $30K (out of a possible $60K available) dollars worth of RECREATION funds. Which at the time, was closing in on its deadline, and if left unused would have gone directly back to the state.

The other 40k+ has come from surrounding communities, private donations and fund raisers put on by these same kids!

QUOTE: "To the disapproval of 3/4 of the borough this park was built."

Oh really, well to the UNANIMOUS decision of the city council this park was built.

Chris / Ryan: I'm not sure where you got your numbers, but mine are fact.

Now.. "Foul language, smoking, and poor manners". Believe me, if I see it, I'll be the first to put anyone in their place — on the spot. My 2 year old son and 1 year old daughter will be on that swingset near by and no, I don't want them to experience that either.

One thing I can assure you — they'd take my advice over yours any day because I don't consider them "morons" or "outlaws", I consider them average, normal, mistake making kids.

And this all boils down to the same point I tried to make in my original post: We as a community need get over our issues and make this work for the kids (be it reasonable rules, and precautions), or prepare to chase these kids around town for the rest of our lives.

Skateboarding as a hobby, as a sport, as an alt-image is here to stay. We should embrace it as a healthy alternative to XBOX, TV, and addictive blogs that keep you coming back for more! ;-)

This park is amazing, and I know everyone who uses it is over-the-moon grateful it is here to use. Believe that!

RossRN said...

Let's not drag blogs into's like shooting the poor messenger;-)

And I have heard the kids who are skateboarders are enjoying it a great deal large crowds all day using it. I hope the novelty doesn't wear off, and I also hope other elements don't prey on this group, another good reason to keep a regular police presence down at the park.

Unknown said...

Stilfx - very nicely put.

The only outstanding question is who will plan the January 1st bash at the skate park to celebrate the departure of Bowers from council?

As I said earlier, I want to see the naysayers proven wrong in a big way. I have lived in other communities where skate parks went in, and heard many of the same comments/arguments against them.

Guess what, none of the worst fears ever came to pass. The parks were successful and you even started to see adults use them.

My guess is that the same will happen hear. That is, if the kids are only given a chance.