The one hour plus community input was as follows:
Where are we in regard to the police chief?
- Council President Chiavaroli noted at Monday's meeting there will be an announcement. As everyone knows the first person withdrew, so we stepped back and reconsidered the finalists and those one round earlier. The whole Board met as an executive committee instead of a small committee reporting back to the whole.
Why not just go to number two?
- We went to the first and he dropped out, then we decided to reconsider 2, 3, and 4.
Insomniak theatre (Eric Honsel) thanked Council for allowing them to have the program at the Park. There were 350 people there. Everyone at the Park and Maintenance were very helpful. We'd like to request use of this room (Council Chambers) for a performance on November 8th and 9th. It would be free to the community and we'd have 50 people, advance tickets only. Finally, I have a handout for Council that includes a history of our company as well as a proposal for 30 Belvidere Street to be used as a theatre and community arts center. Insomniak is willing to do fundraising, we have an architect willing to do some work. Would the borough be willing to make the building available? If this is an option we can bring back further information. We wan the borough to own the building, Insomniak could call it home, but so to could the community band, chorus and other groups. Finally, downtowns with community theatres bring people in and develop the surrounding tax base over time.
Chiavaroli stated that a similar proposal would also be made and maybe they should hear that one as well.
Before the second presentation, Councilman Jack Herbst noted he was at the production and thought it was very good. He also asked if it would be a rental basis (the building being borough owned). It was answered that the ideal is that it would be self-sufficient (Borough ownership, but funding through performances, groups, organizations, and donations).
The second presentation was made by Ken Trionfo who brought a model designed by a student from Northampton County Community College (NCCC). Trionfo explained the model was made in a project presented by NCCC and the Nazareth Downtown Association (NDA) this past spring. During Nazareth Days, the model was one of several on display outside the YMCA and the strong crowd response to this model was a clear indication that it is a project worth pursuing. The NDA will do a design analysis, structural analysis, and cost analysis, so we can produce something more than a model. This project has the potential to be a tremendous community project. The nature of the project is community driven for community benefit. It is also a project capable of getting money for.
Chiavaroli suggested the two groups get together and that they meet with the Economic Development Committee should handle it.
Question if the Borough would wait until next year to sell the building?
- Bowers and Stoudt both noted that nothing has been done and two months would make no difference. Matz noted there was no reason to move ahead.
- The solicitor noted that Law Committee could review and send to planning commission. If the prior use was the same, it was grandfathered, whereas if it is a new use then must follow current zoning.
- Chivaroli noted te only thing we can do is have the Law Committee review, then go to planning, have the zoning ordinance changed to get the zoning hearing board to follow the revised ordinance.
- Herbst asked if the hearing was a relief of ordinance? Answer was yes. Herbst noted sounds like unequal treatment.
- Herbst asked Stoudt if he had contacted Moravian Leadership previously, answer was yes, but not interested in selling.
- Chiavaroli, Public Property Committee will follow-up.
- the solicitor noted that the issue was not so much time as it was standards. During the time he applied and began work the codes shifted and now the state UCC code's were in place and borough's can do little/nothing to modify but can determine enforcement.
- Question arose, most places use a private inspector who is registered and approved by Harrisburg. Let people choose who they want to use for inspection not be told who to choose. If it is more difficult for people to fix up property, they will do it less often, and eventually the entire community goes down.
- Public Property Committee was to review to determine what uses are available. The committee comes back to the Council with its recommendations.
- Solicitor noted if it went to sale it would be highest bidder, sealed bids. The Borough could put deed restrictions on, but if they do, to what extent does it impact the taxpayer?
- One Council Member stated he'd recently heard complaints that some other resident's who complained to the owner were retaliated against.
- Another noted that the residents should call the LCB every time there is an occurrence.
- Resident noted people leaving at quarter after four in the morning.
- Councilmember noted the LCB must close them down, not police.
- Mayor noted he'd address the issue with the police.
- Followed up that the LCB has a public bar closing time of 2:00 and staff must vacate by 2:30 or they are in violation.
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