Monday, September 17, 2007

Borough Budget Questions

I almost forgot to post this, but found it while cleaning up Saturday morning. Included in the last Borough meeting packet was a list of 20 questions to answer before a 2008 budget is created. Here they are:
  1. What happens to 30 Belvidere Street?
  2. What do we do with the vacant lot next to new Borough Building?
  3. Do we have $263,000 to complete the stormwater project?
  4. Do we do the Springbrook Terrace Project at a cost of $183,000?
  5. Are there intentions and funding to do walking trails, bathrooms, and refreshment stand at Sage Street?
  6. Does the Highway Department need any new vehicles in 2008?
  7. How much will proposed improvements cost at Council Chambers?
  8. What if any other changes are anticipated inside the new municipal building?
  9. Are we going to quickly institute 'permit parking' in rear lot of 134 South Main Street?
  10. Have the anticipated rentals at 134 South Main Street materialized?
  11. What will our health insurance costs be for employees in 2008?
  12. Do we do the volunteer loan borrowing for the tower truck?
  13. How do we resolve the Earned Income Tax and Local Services Tax collection dilemma?
  14. How much do we anticipate in further street upgrades and resurfacing in 2008?
  15. Do we place funds in the Vehicle Accounts?
  16. Do we purchase the software for refuse and recycling billing?
  17. Do we paint the library and the exterior of Council Chambers?
  18. Do we stick to the Five Year Plan for capital improvements?
  19. Will we be able to halt the increase in police wages and stabilize that situation?
  20. Can we maintain our frugal spending for operating expenses for at least another several years?

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