Friday, September 28, 2007

Council Workshop 9-27-07

Following the presentations for 30 Belvidere, the Council gave their reports:

Police Committee is recommending a governor's office audit of the department to have a third party assessment. There is a peer review program to be applied to and there is no cost to the borough. The police bikes are a Curts and will be put back into service. A security check program has been put in place to encourage officers to visit local businesses.

There will be a motion to approve a handicapped parking spot (Spruce St.?) and Merchant's Bank request to bag parking meters on Saturdays was ultimately declined following a lengthy discussion. In short it was concluded that the meters encourage customer turnover and bagging meters could result in people parking in the spots all day and never visiting the bank, or any other business that wanted to do the same.

The 32 hour part time officer left for a full-time position and the borough will be looking to replace the individual.

Another lengthy discussion ensued regarding a request from Cat Country who is sponsoring a fundraiser for St. Jude's Childrens Hospital. The organization requested to park in the softball field for a car show (similar to Nazareth Day). After discussing this in addition to landing a helicopter (another earlier added request), a fall baseball league (that may or may not have had permission to use the park), and cross country runners who may or may not be using the park and may be from Holy Family or Nazareth HS, it was denied. The reason was that if you park cars for a car show you can't land the helicopter.

Finally and most importantly, Halloween will be on 10/31/07 from 6-8 p.m.

Chief Sinclair then gave a brief report mostly noting that the peer review is a good, objective tool that can be used to create a blue-plan for building a better police department. A motion will be made Monday to proceed with it.

Question from Councilman Stoudt to Herbst regarding Merry Go Round that was at Fairview Park. The equipment was beyond repair and cost to replace is roughly $2,000. It will be considered.

Councilman Bowers noted that the Black Rock woods according to records of the Moravian Church did have a 10 year lease back in 1935 as referenced in minutes but no agreement could be found. The use was as a public park with restrictions (couldn't cut trees or shrubs down). Will discuss the matter with Moravians further. Also:

  • Mention of purchasing or evaluating an ADA compliant phone (Borough Building?) and smoke detectors and security at the facility.
  • Motion to approve the use by NASD to use the parking lot at the Borough Park to shuttle people to the school.
  • Council Chambers painter who was selected had to withdraw, next low bidder was Repsher and Shook at $1300. Work will be in Spring.
  • Three estimates were received for microphones for Council Chambers all between $1000 and $2500.
Councilman Samus reported no update on billing software, that Hercules was going to provide stone needed for the lot at the Soccer fields and he discussed the Essroc Citizens Advisory Meeting that took place on 9/19.

The meeting is held roughly quarterly and often three executives from Essroc will meet with those in attendance. The plan is seeking ISO 14000 certification by November, they are working with klinker to reduce dust in transiting it, some dirt paths around the quary will be paved to reduce dust, and they are tearing down portions of some of the old buildings (leaving walls gutting inside and roof).

Councilman Herbst noted that Planning Commission is reviewing the Parking Ordinance. There is a need to advertise an amendment to the municipal tax ordinance (the one time $52.00 fee people pay) that will now be divided equally across annual pay checks. Looking at plans for dog park near Kiwanis Park. Need to adevertise open position for (rec board?). And need an executive session for contracts.

Councilwoman Werner noted that the rec program went well but new sports program by an outside group bombed. Recommend rehire summer rec directors for next year. Would like to improve the stand at the Park and have improvements at Council Chambers. Received a thank you from Fran MacDonald for the support of Evening on Main Street. Cool Treats would again like to rent the stand for next summer. And the Nazareth Downtown Association heard a presentation from Boyertown at their last meeting and things are progressing.

Councilman Matz had two motions both regarding tax collection. EIT and new process of dividing the $52.00 over all pay periods.

Councilman Daugherty noted that 10/7 is week of Fire Prevention Week. Also noted that the Mass Alert System is a problem. In short (and it too was a long conversation), the system is set up to repeat four times each time it is activated. To alter or correct any aspect of the system (tone, cycles, or duration) requires the company to make a 'service' call or the Borough to purchase the software and do it yourself. The second method cost $150 compared to $400 and a four month wait. The decision was made to purchase the software.

Also noted that COG meeting noted the county now has reverse 911, which essentially allows a phone call to residents when an emergency occurs by location. In 2008 all street signs must be changed and the 10 municipalities are looking at a group purchase.

On 10/9 there will be a regional planning meeting (I think it was noted it will be at the MS).

The Mayor's report followed up on the siren and he again noted the need to have the safety at forefront. Also noted there will be three ribbon cuttings for new business by the Chamber over the next month.

Secretary/Treasurer Kokolus noted 10/24 is the budget workshop and there are some decisions to make.

The meeting finished about 9:30.

1 comment:

Brad Moulton said...

The comment "Finally and most importantly, Halloween will be on 10/31/07 from 6-8 p.m." still strikes me as funny.

Growing up in Washington State, we always had Halloween on HALLOWEEN (Oct 31st). When my wife and I moved out here 14 years ago, we were mildly amused to find that different municipalities set the date for Halloween and the subsequent "trick-or-treating".

We've become used to checking each year, when exactly Halloween will be, but I have never figured out why does PA do this? Anyone know?
