Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Stadium Gate to Be Widened

The Express-Times has an article related to an incident that took place on Friday Night at the Nazareth home football opener (read it here).

The article notes that an ambulance carrying an injured player was delayed several minutes because people didn't get out of the way as the vehicle approached and drove through the gate at Mitchell Avenue.

In response, NASD Superintendent Vic Lesky noted that the ambulance would be moved to the Liberty Street entrance and that the Mitchell Avenue gate would be widened for future use.

Having been to games on and off over the past twenty-five to thirty years, I seem to recollect that the ambulance has always been stationed where it was on Friday and it seems the only difference is the people. While you can't run them over, it would seem an officer could move them out of the way as the vehicle approaches and this would save the cost of installing a new gate in a facility that was just re-opened following renovations.


johnson said...

Why don't they just park the ambulance in the Nazareth end zone? They never get their anyway.

RossRN said...


Thanks for reading. In the future please keep your posts constructive and on-topic as this one is not consistent with the site standards.

anonymous said...

I think any time a minor problem arises, NASD institutes a WWPD approach...What Would Parkland Do...spend taxpayer money of course.

anonymous said...

I think even if there would have been no spectators in the way the ambulance would not have been able to make the turn from the driveway. The angle is too sharp to turn in that amount of gate space. I might be wrong. I think there was a design error. So, don't spend more money ... bring the ambulance in the field area before the game and driving out seems to be no problem.

anonymous said...

This does not pertain to the gate space situation, but why does the artificial turff have such a spotty blackish look? Is that normal? Some areas look more green than others and those spots are nicer looking. I personally like the look of real grass.

johnson said...

It has smashed up tire bits in it. I think they are called "hoes". It is part of the field makeup and maintenance.

David J Bhaltazhar said...
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mominnaz said...

The problem was not with the public, it was with the ambulance company, police Dept. and then the fence. First they ambulance staff had to be found, then they just strolled there. Two ambulance personnel were in the ambulance and their were no police to be found. Myself and other parents directed the children out of the way. The ambulance driver was trying to go onto the field in awkward position. They finally went straight in. I believe their were many issues that night not just one leading to the delay of medical treatment.

spectator said...

Well sorry mommanaz, I have to disagree with you. I run on ambulance crews and we are not allowed onto the field until the trainer and/or coach call for us. There are too many kids down at that end of the stadium with the refreshment stands being down there. It is a tight space at that gate and then that gate also holds the trainage part of the field. So I would have to say that the problem that night were not enough police to control the kids as well as the gate. It is now a better situation now that the ambulance is at the Liberty gate entrance. If you want to know what it is like to move one of those ambulances within certain areas, please try to drive one and back it into certain areas.