Friday, November 02, 2007

Odds and Ends

Had every intention of getting to the Nazareth Borough Council Workshop last night and knew I'd be a few minutes late, but when I finally got home at 8 p.m. and the meeting started at 7:00, I decided not to run over. If anyone was there and has some highlights that would be great as I didn't see an article in either the Express or Morning Call about last night.

Received from Shafer yesterday (November 1) the MRSA letter and hand washing tips from Rosemary Montesana, Director of Pupil Services dated 10/24/07. Ironically it came home on the day I posted in comments that it was odd high school students were given preventive measures tips, but apparently not the other buildings leading one to believe the HS was at high risk. As it turns out maybe the distribution was just slow. At this point in time my understanding is the NASD has stated no student to their knowledge has had MRSA. (read previous MRSA posts here).

Must have been memo day as we also received word that over the next several weeks Shafer will be conducting fire drill, severe weather drill, and building lock down. You may want to warn your kids so they aren't freaked out when they happen (though fire already took place).

For the second year Shafer will not have parent visitation on Turkey Lunch day during National Education Week as had been past practice. As written in the Principal's letter of the Shafer Scoop, "There will be NO classroom observations - lunch only." Under any format or duration, some parents will be able to attend, others won't, but having the opportunity to spend even a brief period of time seeing the teacher and class "in action" is in my opinion of value and beneficial to the parents, students, and teachers, alike. Principal Mudlock closes with this remark, "I would like to remind parents and community members that I welcome your input and involvement in our school. Please continue to show your support to the dedicated staff here at Shafer Elementary." How do you get people involved if you shut them out?

Got any odds and ends to share? Add them to the comments or email me at

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

I understand the concept of "no siblings". However, it's sad b/c many parents like me have little one(s) at home and are not able to participate in Shafer activities. If the sibling is well behaved, they should be able to "tag along". I don't think having a sibling at a class event will take anything away from the students. I'm sure the kids would enjoy seeing their mom (or dad) and sibling at school.

RossRN said...

Enforcement is even tougher regarding no siblings.

I know someone who called to see if they could bring their children to orientation/open house at the beginning of the year because both parents wanted to come and they were told no children.

Of course when they arrived half the room was children.

For lunch only, no classroom observation, if you're willing to pay for the meal I don't see why no children would be in effect.

Anonymous said...

I think Shafer is the only school that has parent visitation and Thanksgiving lunch. It is good for parents to get into the school but can be disruptive when younger siblings aren't controlled. Not that any parent in Nazareth doesn't control their kids.

Here is another odds and ends. The transportation & central registration secretary resigned suddenly this week. Very odd. Secretaries at NASD work until retirement. No one just walks out of a good job without notice, unless there is a good reason.

justmyopinion said...

and all who have dealt with the trans and reg office suspect the "good reason"---MS GRUBE---nightmare to deal with from a parent perspective-

I for one wish Liz well as she was the only thing pleaseant to deal with in that office

justmyopinion said...

oh and BS and LNES do have Tk lunch , classroom observation, heard they even have grandparents day but can't vouch--all heresay

Anonymous said...

If Liz left because of Grube, that is a shame! I agree that Liz was the only pleasant person in the transportation office.


Examples just to mention a few recent, promoting Swigart Grube and holding onto Dautrich, we lost, Roth, Callahan, and Deegan.

skocher said...

As someone who works at Nazareth, it amazes me the comments left on NOC by "anonymous" and people who do not post their names. There are two sides to every story. Unfortunately, it seems only one side, is aired on this site. Perhaps it is due in large part that those that comment anonymously are part of the problem and not the solution. If you are going to say something on this site that you feel so strongly about, then why not sign your name to it?

Sincerely, Shawn-Kimberly Kocher

PS--Below the comment area it even states--"This blog does not allow anonymous comments." Yet I see two on this page alone, along with "justmyopinion".

Jordan said...

More than 2 sides to a story Shawn, but those in charge don't want us to hear any side or talk about it if we do. Ross gives parents, taxpayers, and employees somewhere to talk without being afraid of retaliation. Anyone can speak here and tell their side. He just asks for us to keep it civil.

Sure you want to come to MG’s defense. I guess that's a natural reaction for her legal co-defendant in the late great cell phone sting. Does anyone know how much that mess-up cost our wallets?

The fact is that a PLEASANT, hard working SECRETARY was forced out while others who don’t work half as hard are still taking home fat paychecks courtesy of Nazareth taxpayers. That stinks!

RossRN said...


I often find that people come to this site because they aren't certain what the story is and are seeking answers because they don't know where else to turn. Or they like the fact that they can ask questions anonymously without fear of repercussion to determine if others feel the same way.

I believe this is very good.

I know from my experience at the school that anything that comes in without a name goes in the trash.

I also know that a lot of questions don't get asked because people are afraid, and a lot of information gets wasted because individuals don't want to share it if it is attributed to them.

For those reasons, a site (and outlet) like this is invaluable.

Further, I think it would be great if people from the school regularly commented and posted on this site.

I'd encourage the admin and building level personnel to use this site to communicate with parents and the community.

Stating that a person who comments anonymously is a part of the problem is equivalent to running with blinders. You have to be less defensive and more open to the fact that there might be a better way to do or address something.

Finally, to clarify, Blogger considers anonymous a comment made without registration required.

Since I require blogger registration to post a comment, "This blog does not allow anonymous comments." appears.

You can be anonymous, so long as you are registered.

Thanks for reading and I hope this clarifies some of your questions!