Tuesday, February 12, 2008

2/11 NASD Board Meeting Notes

Sorry I took awhile to get these up, but it's been quite a day. Better late than never!

Meeting started at 8:02 PM. Dr. Marino absent. I don’t have a lot of comments from this meeting as much of the “important” stuff (more on that in a bit) will be presented at the 2/25 meeting.

Ms. Dautrich presented her educational report. NASD is working with BASD and the community college, looking at placement testing of students going on to the college. If remediation is required/indicated, those classes would be made available during the summer. In addition, the educational program for the 4-6 building has been completed. This reconfiguration report will be presented at the 2/25 meeting.

Scott Shearer of Public Financial Management gave a presentation regarding the possible refinancing and restructuring of debt. Specifically, NASD is looking at refinancing some 1998 bonds which would result in a net savings of $150K for 2008-09. In addition, they are also looking at restructuring some other debt (mainly the “old” MS debt). Originally, the “old” MS was financed over 15 years. The restructuring could extend the debt service out in order to save money now. This savings was projected at $468K for 2008-09.

Ms. Rischoff’s Business Report highlighted the PFM presentation and possible debt refinancing/restructuring in addition to the increased funding from state under the Governor’s 2008-09 budget. A handout was given showing where our budget currently stands with some (potential) expenditure cuts:

2008-09 Budget adopted 1/14/2008: $60,469,190

Budget is over index by $266,539

(Potential) Expenditure Cuts:

Athletic Fund Transfer ($8,845)
Pupil Transportation – IU20 Services ($10,000)
Possible Debt Refinancing – 1998 bonds ($150,000)
Possible Debt Restructuring ($467,979)

Revenue Increases:

Increased state subsidies based on Gov Rendell’s budget $147,190
Changes in reimbursable % and aid ratio $33,563


At previous board meetings, it has been discussed the possibility of coming in under the Act 1 index, yet holding the tax increase at the index for a possible “cushion” in future years.

Dr. Lesky would have more to present, including the Grade Reconfiguration, at the 2/25 meeting. He stated that after this was presented to the board, it would be rolled out to the different school administers, PTA organizations and members of the community for their comments/suggestions.

During the community corner, I asked if the Grade Reconfiguration would include bell schedules, transportation schedules, etc. for all grade levels due to the new MS and the subsequent switch to a K-3, 4-6, 7-8, 9-12 class structure. Dr. Lesky indicated that it would.

Meeting adjourned just after 9 PM.


Anonymous said...

I look forward to hearing about the grade configuration. I have had many questions that are still unanswered I look forward to the District providing answers to these questions when they “roll out” the configuration plans:

1) Are grades 4,5,6 team teaching (the current teaching strategy at the middle school)? 2) How will the current middle school be reconfigured for grades 4,5,6 (there will not be a need for tech rooms, food classes, ect). 3) When will the reconfiguration of the current middle school to a 4,5,6 building take place (will the summer months of 2009 really be enough time? 4) What is the district contingency plan in the event that the 4,5,6 building is not ready? 5) With the strong push for standard base report cards, what is the current feedback on colleges regarding class ranks and GPAs? 7) What will the bell schedule look like, will the start and end times be staggered? 8) Will the 7-8 building be on a modified block schedule?

These are just a few questions, I have. I encourage others to place their questions on this blog. It is a known fact that the administration and school board look at this site. I do not expect them to respond on this site, but at least they will know questions that will be asked from the public and they can be prepared to address them.

I look forward to hearing from the district. We are only a year and half away from this monumental change within the district. It will be good to be prepared and have contingency plans in place, because we all know that it is extremely rare for a construction project to finish on time.

Brad Moulton said...


Those are some great questions. I encourage you to ask them yourself at the next board meeting (2/25) when these plans are presented.

I have heard through the PTA that the "old" MS (now our elemiddle school) will be arranged such that each grade has a floor. They are planning on doing the work at the elemiddle school during the summer of 2009. I guess they can't do the work while the kids are there. From what I've been told the reconfiguration involves moving locker handles down, changes in the locker rooms, etc.

I don't know where your question 5 fits into the reconfiguration, but I like it nonetheless. I know that NASD is moving towards what they are calling a K-16 type approach. Active involvement with the area colleges in hopes of preparing the kids for the next 4 years.

As for block scheduling.... Let me say up front, I'm not a fan. While there are plent of anectodotal studies that say how great block scheduling is, there is little in the way of "hard data" on it's effectiveness. If anything, there is evidence that math and science college preparation suffers under a block schedule (See AP study, see recent study from NC professor... sorry, I don't have those in front of me, but I would be happy to provide them). I know that some people have a problem with PSSA testing, but it might surprise you to find that of the top 30 school districts in PA in 2006-07, 24 had a "traditional" schedule, 2 had a "modified block" and 4 had a "straight block". This is some of my own research that I would again be happy to share.

I have some of my own questions: Right now, we have 2 bell schedules (K-5, and 7-12). What are they going to do with transportation? This is a biggie. Right now, MS and HS ride on the same bus to the HS and then the MS students get on a separate bus to the MS. By going to a centralized 4-5, will there be 4th graders riding with 11th and 12th graders?? I haven't heard that we are moving away from Jennings Transportation and I know they don't have enough busses to support two runs during any one bell period. So I'm thinking more and more that the admin is going to ask parents to send their 4th graders with the HS kids.

I have others, but I'll save those for later.

Thanks again for the comments. I would hope that we get a decent turn-out at the next meeting. By the sounds of it, there are going to be some big changes. Not withstanding, is this still going to only cost an additional $2M a year?

justc said...

I was at some of the PTA meetings when the renovations for the current 6,7,8 building were discussed. From what Dr Leskey told us there won't be any major renovations necessary to go to a 4,5,6 building. Just changing locker heights, coat hanger heights, etc.. One summer should be plenty of time. I think there is plenty of space at this time to hold 4,5,6th grades so even if all of the tech rooms are not finished school can still begin.

My son is in 4th grade at Bushkill and they are team teaching now, I don't see any reason they wouldn't continue. They will even be moving these teachers to the future 4,5,6 building so they are already used to this system.

The question about bussing was also brought up at our meeting and Dr. Leskey said that it had not been decided yet, but he assured us that fourth graders would not be riding with high schoolers. He said 4th through 8th will probably be sharing the same busses. He gave no specifics on the beel schedules except to say that the 4,5,6 building would have a longer day than the current k-5 have. Apparently Nazareth K-5 have the shortest school day in the area.

Brad Moulton said...


I think anonymous was saying how the new elemiddle school would NOT need the tech/home ec rooms.

I have also heard the admin say that they weren't going to put 4th graders and HS students together, but if that's true, what are they going to propose?

As I understand it, Jennings currently doesn't have enough buses to support two separate bus runs for one bell schedule. Right now, they operate as follows:

25 or so buses pick up the 6-12th graders and take them to the HS/MS. After dropping the kids off, those same buses turn around and pick up the ES students. In the afternoon, its the reverse. The 25 or so buses take the ES kids home and then go and get the MS/HS kids.

With the elemiddle, we are now going to have kids (4th and 5th graders) that used to be bused locally (BES, SES, LNES) who are now going to need to be bused to a central location (the elemiddle school). If this school operates at the same time as the current ES, we'll need additional buses. If it's as you have heard, and the 4th and 8th graders are together, that means they will have to be roughly on the same bell schedule.

So does that mean we'll have a 3 bell schedule? I would think that (at best) we'll need 30 minutes between each bell schedule in order for the buses to turn around, go out and get the kids and bring them to the next school. I guess I could see a schedule where the HS starts at 7:30, 4-8 starts just after 8 and the ES starts around 8:30 or so... In the afternoon, you'd have to mix it up a bit...

To be honest, I don't know what's going to happen. I am VERY interested in hearing how the grade reconfiguration is going to work.

Thanks for the comments.

justmyopinion said...

to justc:

don't believe everything you are told---

at the other re meeting---redistricting---shafer parents were told more kids sent to shafer wouldn't mean bigger class sizes--

now shafer has 20% more kids than lower naz or bushkill in EVERY 4th and 5th grade classroom

lesky gave his word that wouldn't happen either

hopefully reconfiguring meeting will get more parents asking more questions and demanding committements that must be kept

Anonymous said...


You are right, Administration promised that class sizes would not be as high as they are at Shafer and yet it happened. This is only one example of Administration and the school board stating something and then not backing it up. I assure you that if parents do not start speaking up we can only blame ourselves for allowing the school board and administration to do what ever it wants without any regard to the taxpayers, parents and most importantly the students.