At the Council meeting there was a discussion during public comment related to the proposed Dog Park that would be located across from Kiwanis Park on Essroc property south of Cement Street.
The question, not unlike the one raised when the Skate Park was proposed, became what is the best way to spend money that must be spent on recreation and can't be put toward maintenance?
The money is collected from development and if not used in a three year period it is returned to the developer.
One good argument I heard is that the money should go to facilities within the area where the fee was originated from, but that still doesn't say what should be included.
So how would you spend it? What recreation needs do we have in the borough?
my vote:
walking/bike path
and I have two dogs
I like the walking bike path idea-maybe there could be some circuit training areas-for stretching, push-ups, and similar cross-training exercises....and dog friendly-as I have one too!
I like the idea that has been proposed - the dog park.
I've always thought the borough park would be a great place for a disc golf course. It has that large open, sloping area to the south and the wooded area to the west. It would be perfect.
But even as a cat owner, I don't mind the idea of a dog park. It might even reduce the amount of dog waste throughout the borough (and in my front yard!)
Walking/running/biking trail. I used to live in Harleysville and the walking trail was heavily used by individuals and families.
A trail would be a great idea. There are a number of them around the area, some good, some bad.
The one common piece of them is they are long, continuous trails. I would hate to see $30K spent when in reality, there is no real areas in thr borough that could host a decent trail.
The dog park would be a better idea. There's space, and it is something needed.
In response to Anonymous, I agree that a dog park benefits the community. I am also a dog owner and have taken my dogs to the Bethlehem dog park. I'm not sure on what basis you are making your conclusion that there is no real area to have a trail. Was this previously researched? If an area can be found for a trail, I believe it benefits more people than a dog park.
I can't imagine $30K will get us much of anything. The architects and engineers will suck up most of that. I would propose investing the money into the pool.
I agree that a trail benefits more people, and I would be one to use it.
However, for a decent trail, you need a good amout of area (in length) for it to be good, otherwise you might as well use the track at the the HS.
With only $30K, I doubt that would cover the costs to clear, level and pave any substantial amount of space, put in cross walks if necessary, and fencing around the ends of the trail to keep vehicles out.
If the trail is only for walking, then not as much of an issue. But, if you want it for biking as well, to be worthwhile, it would have to be at least a mile in length.
With a dog park, it is nothing more than really putting up a fence.
Valid points on the trail. A trail of any substantial length would not be a 1-year project. It could be added to over time. So it may start as a walking path and become a bike path in the future.
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