Tuesday, February 26, 2008

NASD Board Meeting 2/25 Notes

Sorry this took so long to get up... but the meeting ended late. As for the meeting, there was a lot of material. Very interesting. Read on....

Meeting started at 7:40 PM. All nine members were present.

During the questions on the agenda portion, I had a comment regarding Section V, item C which was to authorize the National Junior Honor Society at the MS. For those following along, the item authorized the formation of the above club with the following lines added:

“It is understood that this activity will be of no cost to the District. The advisor for this year will be voluntary but is requesting to be paid for the 2008-2009 school year.”

My comment was while I feel that this club is a worthwhile endeavor, this is a pattern I see being established by NASD. We approve clubs/programs that are expected to be of no cost in any given year, yet then when the next year rolls around, they are there and they need to be funded. That’s how we end up with budget shortfalls and the like (more on that in a bit).

During the initial community corner, I stated how I spent this Saturday at Easton HS as a volunteer judge at the PA Junior Academy of Sciences Region III science fair. I saw a lot of great MS and HS kids with a real interest in math and science. What disappointed me was that I didn’t see anybody from NASD there. I asked what exactly is NASD doing to promote math and sciences in the district. Dr. Lesky, Ms. Dautrich and Mr. Yanek discussed several initiatives that NASD is involved with like the Science Olympiad and others.

Several resolutions were passed. A couple of items that generated some discussion were Section VIII., item D; the re-grading of a MS soccer field at a total estimated cost of $75,000 and the agenda addendum (Section VIII. Item E) which was the resolution to modify the width of one existing overhead door (where?) from 9’-8”” to 11’-8” for $16,900 to D’Huy. Mr. Maher and Mr. Bradley voted NO on Item E, but it passed anyway.

The bulk of the meeting focused on the redistricting plan. I’ve attached (for Ross) the handout passed out by Dr. Lesky. It is also supposed to be up on the district website in the near future.

Proposed Bell Schedules:

K-3: 8:10AM – 2:10PM (no change)
4-6: 8:30AM – 3:30PM (1hr increase over current bell schedule)
7-8: 7:45AM – 2:45PM
9-12: 7:30AM – 2:30PM (basically no change over current bell schedule)

Transportation would be arranged as follows:

In the morning, 7-12 would be picked up first and dropped off at the HS. It wasn’t really discussed as to what the 7-8 kids would do. (Currently, they are bussed across the road to the Tatamy building, but with the “campus” arrangement, maybe they walk?... it wasn’t clear). Those buses would turn around and pick up the K-6 kids to be bussed to their ES. The 4-6 kids would transfer/consolidate and get on a bus to the 4-6 building.

In the afternoon, the K-3 kids are taken home. Then the 7-12 kids are sent home. Finally, the 4-6 kids are taken home.

In a nutshell, two runs in the morning, three runs in the afternoon.

There’s plenty more as to how many new staff are needed, some changes to the K-3 gifted program, among others (Really, too many to list in this post).

Total costs:

W/FDK: $3,263,043 extra per year
W/O FDK: $2,982,918 extra per year

Budget numbers are still being crunched due to this increase in expenditures, but we were given a “sneak peak” preview of where we stand at this (preliminary) moment.

Admin expects a 5.4% increase in real estate taxes this year and to actually be $553,649 below budget. It gets worse in subsequent years.
2009-10 they expect a 10.8% tax increase
2010-11 – 10.7% increase
2011-12 – 11.0% increase
2012-13 – 15.6% increase

If you do the math (including the 5.4% increase in 08-09) the admin needs a 65.8% tax increase by 2012-13.

During the community corner, there were several questions by the five or six of us community members who were present. Changes to the gifted education were discussed among other things. I asked what the original estimate of the reorientation costs were. $2.1M. So I pointed out that we have gone from $2.1M to $3.2M extra, or a 50% increase.

That was it. Meeting adjourned just after 10PM


Jean said...

I don't like this proposed bell schedule at all. There is an hour and 20 min. time difference between the K-3 and 4-6 kids. There are a lot of parents who will have kids in both of these schools. I would have to wait until everyone is home before doing anything. This will make it very difficult to schedule appts., attend extra curricular activities, religion classes, etc. The 4-6 kids won't be getting home until nearly 4. That is very late. There has to be a better way.

aparent said...

Well Jean,

Let me ask you this....Do you care about your child(ren) education? We, as parents, really need to get our priorities straight-our children need a great eduation in order to succeed in life. I would think that adding to the school day will help in getting that better education. Do ya think? I am glad to see the extended school day....it's long overdue. C'mon....poor excuses regarding appts....lots of offices offer evening or weekend appts....extra curricular activities and religion classes? They won't be held without your child-all NASD kids will attend school until the same time as their given group (k-3, 4-6, etc)....your comment sounds like someone who is adverse to change. I would say, take a deep breath and try to grasp it....it's really a good idea.

Brad Moulton said...

Does anyone care that the costs have gone up from $2M to $3M?! That's a 50% increase over the estimates that sold us this new building.

Does anyone care that we are looking at double digit tax increases for the next 4 out of 5 years and a 66% overall increase over the full 5 years?

Under Act 1 the district cannot even tax at these levels so we'll be facing referendums every year. Does anyone want to put the educational concerns of our children up to the general electorate? When the referendums fail then what? Where do we cut? What do we cut? We have a $5M projected "hole" in the budget come 2012-13. What then?!?

What about the fact that teachers are leaving? The board and admin chose to play hardball and alienate teachers a year ago but bowed to the whim and desire of a few people to get what we have now. It wasn't like we didn't see this coming...

justmyopinion said...

Brad-I for one am very sickened by the situation we got put into

4 schools, 4 transitions, enormous costs and you can bet on future cuts in the budget that will affect our kids education

and I for one also agree with jean that the day is too long for 4-6, I think my kids should be home more and in institutions less

aparent-it is all a matter of your priorities, a longer day does not equal a better education---which starts at home but shouldn't end there when the school system enters the scene---

also disappointing to see only 6 or so parents attending the board reconfiguration meeting---as Ross has said before prolonged frustration breeds complacency

Anonymous said...

I had good intention of attending the board meeting. However, to be honest, I am tired of not being respected when I speak about an issue or even just ask for clarification on an issue.

This current administration and school board does not care, and has not cared in the past, what others have as input. They just do what they want. Just look at the records of many who have been on committees that involve the schools at any level. The committees recommend one thing and the administration and school board does what they want even when it is a direct contradiction to what the committee recommended.

Furthermore, if you ever utter any type of idea that is against what they are saying, you are truly black balled. I know I have lived through it.