Monday, March 03, 2008

Food Bank - Penny Drive Update

Received an update on the progress of the Penny Drive:

To date we have collected close to $4,000 of our goal of $10,000.
The Nazareth Area Middle School Has been the largest contributor so far. They staged "Penny Wars" and managed to raise a little over $2,000 for us!
Bushkill: $96.00
Lower Nazareth: $23.00
Shafer: $19.00
High School $17.00
It would seem a little over half the money raised so far has come from the schools. Many churches and some businesses are also collecting. If you are out and around, drop some change to help the food bank get a new home. They will be collecting for another month.

1 comment:

Independent Watkins Associate #361217 said...

St John's UCC concludes their drive on 3/16.