Thursday, April 03, 2008

Note on the Calendar

I got a nice comment from Papier Boy on another post, who also asked about the calendar, specifically including the soap box derby - adult version. And I'm glad he did, because I've not kept it up well. It is a lot of work to manage for one person.

As a result, I've asked if the Nazareth Downtown Association wanted to take over a community calendar as a project and service to all organizations not to mention the community and potential visitors.

The challenge again is in gathering all information, finding the best way to make it available, and then communicating it exists (both by linking on web sites to it - as I would do and to blast email out to a list of people interested in learning about community events).

The goal would be to have every group, organization, church, business, etc. that holds events for the public to participate.

If you are interested, or could bring this matter to your group or organization, please contact me and I'll coordinate through NDA.

Nazareth offers so many wonderful events, but most people aren't going to look at multiple web sites to figure it out. This project will really lift all ships.

Contact me at

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