Monday, May 19, 2008

NASD Board Meeting 5/19 Notes

It's late.... and I have just about had enough of all this... (I'm just warning you, I'm probably not going to be nice)

Meeting actually started close to 7:30 PM. Dr. Marino was absent. I'm actually getting tired of typing that. I went back through my notes, and out of the last 16 meetings, he's missed 13 of them. I even asked at a meeting awhile back whether NASD has an attendance policy for members... At the time, I was told that they were discussing that very matter in the executive session prior to my asking, but I haven't heard (or asked) about it since. Oh well, Marino is up for re-election in 2009 from Region I (Bushkill Twsp) and I doubt he'd run again. Anybody interested? (Disclaimer, I would but I don't live in Bushkill... now if we're talking Region II, there will be 2 seats up for election in 2009 )

During the initial community corner, Aris Asdourian, president of the NAEA asked about the changes to the 707 policy (facilities usage). He wanted the district to make sure that their groups like the NAEA remained Class B in stature and therefore all fees waived for facility usage. This generated much discussion both during Community Corner and during the meeting. When it was all said and done, and after much discussion, the whole thing went nowhere and it was tabled until the next meeting.

Scott Hartner presented (again to apparently deaf ears) his proposal for keeping an additional 0.5 teacher for gifted. Scott even prefaced his presentation that he was actually going to present something EDUCATIONAL in nature to which Mr. Heller said (probably only half-joking) that he didn't think he'd heard/seen anybody come to the board and present something educational based. Nice.

Right now, each elementary has 0.5 gifted teacher. With the reorganization and going to the 4-5-6 building the current plan is to have 1 FT (1.0) teacher to shuttle between the 3 elementary schools. I personally don't see how 1 teacher will be able to equally divide up 5 days between 3 schools. The gifted kids will not get a set schedule or the teacher (poor soul) will be spending more time on the road than in the classroom each day. Scott simply wanted the current structure to remain, which would mean adding a half-time teacher to the budget. Apparently this is too much for this district. We'll spend $MM on new flooring for the middle school or a new road between the complex or (get this!) $1M on expanding the weight room, but we can't seem to find $32K for 0.5 teacher. Nice.... If you're still reading.... sorry, I warned you.

Also speaking (and doing a great job, I might add) was Sabastian Santi who is in gifted at Shafer Elementary. He (and his mother, Sally) just wanted to impress on the board and admin how great the gifted program is and in particular Mrs. Bostian at Shafer. While I'm jumping ahead a bit, at the end of the meeting Dr. Lesky presented his Reorg Plan (w/o increasing gifted by 0.5 teacher) and it was passed. So, apparently $32K is too much to spend for education.

Ms. Josie Dankel, MS French teacher made an plea to save French at the HS. (Okay, they aren't technically planning to cut French, but they did discuss at the last meeting to provide French on-line.) She

The majority of the meeting was about the budget. That deserves it's own post entirely. I want to make sure I get all the quotes right. You'll love some of them....

There was one notable positive to the meeting. Ms. Tracy Smith, of Technology got a hearty congratulation for winning a $100K Best Buy grant. NASD was one of eight schools nationwide to receive the grant. This money will be spent to expand TV studio capabilities of the ES and MS, provide a portable multimedia cart of each grade team, among other things. Good job to all involved securing that grant!

Dr. Lesky presented his Reorg Plan with no changes from the last viewing. Mr. Butz asked for a motion to accept the Reorg Plan, Mr. Heller moved and Mr. Hensley seconded. It passed 8-0. Next meeting was moved from June 16th (Commencement) to June 30th. Next meeting will be June 23rd.

At the end of the meeting, Scott and I basically had the same things to say. I told the board that I (we) were watching them and that in the past couple of years they have made several decisions that were more "want" based and not necessarily "need" based. Because of these decisions, we are now faced with a budget that will raise taxes 9.72% next year (actually you'll see that bill in July 2008) and yet we are still cutting educational programs. Scott reiterated how we'll spend $5M (maybe more?) on a pool, $1M on a previously unbudgeted road between the MS/HS and now the proposed $1M for expansion of the HS locker/team rooms yet we somehow cannot spend money on increasing educational programs.

That was it... Meeting adjourned at 10:35 PM.

1 comment:

RossRN said...

Since gifted impacts less than 5% of the student population, it won't get much voice at the Board Level.

At the current time, from speaking with parents, my understanding is that the NASD has slowed or stopped gifted testing altogether at Shafer.

The reason is that the 0.5 teacher caseload is at its capacity and new students being added to the program will require them to up this position to full time.

For the month left it doesn't sound like a big deal, but you wonder how long this has been taking place.

The NASD formed a task force a few years ago because they really didn't have a gifted program in place - they were minimally compliant to say the least.

Two years later and we seem to be right back where we were before the task force.

Now if the NASD does allow students to be entered into the program again, and they need to add another position, they'll say it is not their fault - a mandate from the state - and they had no choice but to add the position.

The shame is they know if they actually tested the kids waiting they'd need the teacher now.

It really is amazing that 98% of the discussion at these meetings has nothing to do with the actual education of the students.