Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sinclair Saga - update

Thanks to Noah Cohen of The Triangle (visit it here) for sending me a clarification to my post and an update on the Sinclair situation.

The photo I referenced from the Triangle site of Chief Sinclair with a Penn official was not a current shot, but a file photo from his tenure with the Philadelphia Police Department.

The update was made in the form of a comment by a Drexel University official, James Katsaounis, Executive Director of Communications for the Division of Student Life and Administrative Services, to a recent post on the Trianlge (read it here). While I normally only quote a portion, I frankly couldn't see what not to include so here is the full comment:
As a clarification, information regarding the hiring of Michael Sinclair was released to The Triangle on September 4 after Sinclair had his official portrait taken on August 27, signed his offer letter of employment on September 2, attended new employee orientation on September 8, and was in possession of a University vehicle. On September 9, Sinclair informed the Senior Associate VP for Public Safety that he was unable to accept the position due to personal reasons.
If anything this at least answers the question of where he was on September 8, but it also raises the question of how much time, how many days, and how much of his focus and energy was put into trying to get this new job when he was being paid to be Chief in Nazareth?

Also, we now know he had two full-time jobs at the same time, not to mention two corporate vehicles from two different entities.

Indecision is one thing, changing one's mind another, but I'm not sure where you classify this one.


whowherewhenwhy said...

wow, this really puts into question this guys character. He was prepared to quit his position with us and leave the town hanging. Why would he go through all the steps including accepting a company vehicle from Drexel. Can we trust him, will a new opportunity arise for him and he'll drop us like he did Drexel. Mr Sinclair, please let us know what your intentions really are.

And if it's in his contract to move to the Nazareth area why isn't this being enforced? Who's dropping the ball there?

Also, how much where we paying him while he's out looking for a new job? Was he doing it on his own time or on our dime?

Anonymous said...

"Also, how much where we paying him while he's out looking for a new job? Was he doing it on his own time or on our dime?"

You could ask the same thing about three or four of the women Administrators who are resigning from the school district.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but that's the school district. No one REALLY cares what they do...

As for Sinclair, he has shown his true colors. And, like the school board, administrators AND teachers union, odds are he will face no real outrage or consequences for thumbing his nose at the public he is supposed to serve.

Chris Miller said...

Nazarethh needs to get rid of this poor excuse for a police chief. They also need to toss the current mayor