Friday, November 14, 2008

Down with the Library!

A few vandals decided it would be fun to vandalize the Memorial Library days before planned programs to recognize veterans on Veterans' Day including stealing the flag and cutting the rope on the pole according to an article in the Express Times (read it here). They also vandalized several other properties in the area over the weekend doing at least $1000 in damage.

According to the article the police have no further leads and Chief Sinclair is considering a curfew.

I don't think we need a curfew. I do think we need a Chief who has a regular and ongoing presence in the community by living here, and I think we need to have people who know who did it contact the police (call 610-759-9575).

I'd also guess that if the police started questioning kids who are wandering around after it gets dark, they'd probably be able to identify who did it rather quickly. Let's face it, there aren't that many kids idling around town and they tend to be the same ones.

Ask your MS/HS kids if they heard anything (I'm guessing MS) as these things don't often go unannounced and report anything you here.

I hope they not only catch these kids, but publish who did it and penalize them as heavily as allowed by law with all damage being repaid plus, but I'm sure that won't happen because they are juveniles.


Unknown said...

Adults.. chase them kids! That is our job, I don't disagree. But curfew.. really? There's nothing right or agreeable about destroying property in any form what-so-ever. Albeit, intriguing to read when the circle of life chases its own tail - from the view of an adult, reminiscing childhood.

tessie said...

I believe there should be a curfew. These young people have no business wandering the streets late hours of the night. Most of the time they are all dressed in black and appear to between the ages of 13 and 15. Where are their parents. We had a group of them in our driveway around our car and our neighbor chased them...this was ten o'clock at night as we sat in our living room wathcing tv and our lights were on. We work hard for our belongings and it is sad that these kids have no respect for the property of others. I don't know why anyone would be against a curfew.

NazoRanter said...


I would be very much against a curfew. I know it is the Nazareth way, especially in the school district, to punish the many for the sins of a few.

Based on a lot of posts to this site over the years, one thing I have noticed is that many Nazareth residents are very anti-kid (except for their own darling little angels of course).

I guess you would rather your kids sitting at home, on their computer with their cyber-friends instead of real ones, playing video games instead of real games, etc.

I would say the root of the problems is that we as parents have so structured our kids lives from such an early age (sports, play dates, other activities), that kids no longer know how to be kids, and a lot of their sensory inputs are coming from violent video games that we as parents are more than happy to buy them so they really don't have to think.

And, if you really think a curfew is going to work, you are sadly mistaken. The kids (if it is kids) doing this, will continue to do so and all you will have accomplished is to further shut the kids that aren't getting into trouble into their houses.

A curfew is a stupid idea. Increased police patrols during the evening times on the weekends, maybe even citizen watch groups would be a better idea. Put up some cameras around high activity area.

tessie said...


It is a shame a few bad apples spoil it for everyone. One thing that I have noticed is that everytime anyone says anything about kids we are called anti-kid. I don't think any kid should be kept inside at all times, only after certain hours. Kids have no business being on the streets unsupervised at all hours of the evening. I don't think it is unreasonable to expect children not be allowed to wander the streets say past midnight. What is there to do past this time. As far as what kids do when they are home is up to their parents to decide. Why do some feel that kids should have no restraint and be able to do what ever they want, they are called children and we adults for a reason. If there were a reasonable curfew in place and a child broke it and knew it was wrong he would have to pay the consequences just as any adult would have to that broke a rule. We shouldn't have to have a curfew and we also shouldn't have to worry about our property when we go to bed at night. Who do you suppose should pay for survailance cameras. There has been alot of vandalism & grafitti going on in this town for some time now and if a curfew would halt or hinder it I would support it.

NazoRanter said...

What do kids do after dark outside? Were you never a child? I remember playing games, or just hanging with my friends and talking. Something away from the strict structure most parents have put around their kids lives these days. The problem is that today, kids are not allowed to be kids.

As for my anti-kid statement, not aimed directly at you, but yes, Nazareth is not kid friendly. Search the archives here about the skate park and you will find some very vile comments about kids, all before the park was even completed.

Your first sentence is on the money, why let a few bad apples spoil things for the majority. You are right, and yet you want to punish the majority for the actions of these few. Institute the curfew, then what next when these things still occur?

We have seen to often where the parents protect little junior from any real punishment, even though little junior is guilty as sin. Happened at the HS in the case of the bomb threats last year as I understand it.

Increase police presence, and when they catch someone (a kid or ADULT), punish them to the full extent of the law, even if they are a star athelet (yes, we all know they typically get a free pass in Nazareth). When people start to see that there is a consequence to their actions, only then will things start to change.

anonymous said...

Curfews only take the responsibility off the parents. (not a good thing) They have to set their own rules for their children and stick to them or pay the price. A curfew won't stop a sneaky kid from doing his dirty deed. He will still sneak around after the curfew. "Where there is a will there is a way". Isn't it the same punishment for vandolism if one is caught either with or without the curfew? Catching the kid(s) is key. It's difficult either way.