Monday, February 16, 2009

Tough Call

The decision on whether to cut down the English Beech in the Circle or attempt to save it is going to be a tough one.

The Express-Times reports that the 120 year old tree in the Circle is dying and Council will have to decide if they should attempt to keep it alive or cut it down (read the article here).

The Shade Tree Commission will make a recommendation to Council prior to a decision being made.


Sebrink said...

The connection that people have to trees is amazing. A tree at the memorial square park came down in the wind storm last week. This is across from my house and my wife and I were suprised by our sadness when the borough came to cut the rest of it down. BTW, the stump they left looks terribly crooked and I can only assume that their intention is to remove it later.

Anyway, the tree in the circle is a great tree and I hope that it can be saved.

mindboggled said...

Maybe the chief of police could donate some of his $20,000.00 raise to help save the tree.