It provides an opportunity for the children to understand how to tell a story, illustrate it, and see it published. Winners get a copy of their book and second copy becomes a part of the library collection. Young Author's books are shelved alongside published authors and they are searchable in the catalog.
My daughters always take a moment to search the status of their books, and are always thrilled when someone tells them they read their book.
They also enjoy going to the library and receiving their certificate. At recent events an author has participated by talking about a new book they've published and taking questions from the children on being an author.
Contest runs from February 2nd through March 14th, 2009.
The contest is open to children in grades K through 12 who reside in the Library service area (Borough of Nazareth, Bushkill Township, Lower Nazareth Township, and Upper Nazareth Township).
Categories are K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12th grades.
Entries must be original. The ideas, words and pictures must be your own, not copied from anywhere else.
Please leave at least 1 ½” margin on the sides of your entry.
Do not fasten your pages together (no glue or staples, paper clips are recommended).
Entries should be at least 12 pages of story.
Text can be handwritten or typed. In the K-2 category only, an adult may assist with the words but please do not change words or improve the text.
Please use non-smear markers, crayons or any permanent medium for illustrations. No photographs are allowed.
Paper should not exceed 8 ½ x 11 inches and should be durable and unlined. Cover page should be made of regular paper with at least a ½” margin all the way around. COVER PAGE MUST BE THE SAME SIZE AS THE INSIDE OF THE BOOK! PLEASE SUBMIT 2 COPIES OF THE FINISHED BOOK.
A title page is required.
Entries will be accepted in the Children’s Department of the library starting March 1st.
Entries should be submitted in a large, flat envelope or securely paperclipped and should not be folded. Make sure your name and phone number is on your entries.
Winners will be chosen in each of the four categories.
Winners will be announced April 14, 2009 during National Library Week.
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