Thursday, September 17, 2009

State Budget Debacle

I know people are getting sick of my supporting the library, but I genuinely believe they provide a critical service and are a tremendous value to a community.

I received the following summary from the library regarding the latest budget proposal:

When you add it all together, here are the two key facts:
1.    Direct funding for local libraries gets cut by one-third; and,
2.    Overall library funding—all programs—will be cut by 38% under this deal.

I also know we need to be careful about spending.  My problem with cutting spending on the library is that we have so much other wasteful spending that will continue uninterrupted.

I have the same problem when schools jump to cut core programs or ‘liked’ activities like band or sports when they want to raise taxes.  Cut non-core areas and when those are trimmed out we can have a discussion on what is critical.

Let’s hope our legislators get this right, though I highly doubt that will be the case, as too many are too interested in keeping and gaining power to worry about actually doing the right thing.  Time for a more democratic system in PA, even our own local legislators complain they can’t make a difference.  If they can’t, who can?  And shouldn’t that be the first thing to fix after the budget is resolved?

Posted via email from Ross Nunamaker

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