Monday, November 07, 2011

Bushkill Township Holds Line on Taxes

Taxes are proposed to remain stable at 6.5 mills under a tentative $3.7 million budget approved last week by the Bushkill Township Board of Supervisors.

Supervisors on Nov. 3 approved the budget, which is about a 3.3 percent increase over the current budget, which is $3.6 million. Township Manager Brian Harris said the board was able to keep taxes in check by limiting additional spending.

“We’re just trying to be frugal all around,” Harris said. “I don’t foresee us doing any hiring anytime soon.”

Harris said the public will be able to review the budget for 20 days before the board formally adopts it on Dec. 21.

Bushkill holds the line on taxes. I find the more local the government, the better they are at holding taxes in check.

Posted via email from Ross Nunamaker

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