Saturday, January 20, 2007

MC's White Questions Board on Sunshine Law

Morning Call columnist Bill White today questioned the NASD School Board regarding its January 8th Executive Session during which one member stated he believed they were in violation of the PA Sunshine Law by discussing the proposed pool (read the column here).

In his column White notes that he contacted several school officials involved in the situation and "discovered something strange. I kept hearing new, different accounts of what happened behind closed doors that night."

He also spoke with Maher and noted, "he laughed at the idea that he was confused because he came in at the middle — and it had nothing to do with litigation (this was the reason given to allow the conversation to take place in executive session)."

White closes the column summing up his take by saying, "Very mysterious. I'll tell you all about it next time."

Thanks to Bill White for giving this issue a regional voice. I for one will be very interested to read what more he has learned.

Here is the background:

The incident was first reported here in the post using the meeting notes supplied by Brad Moulton. You can read that post here. The brief exchange between Maher and Keller was noted at the very end of the report as it occurred during the second public comment period. There was no mention of the issue in the article by the MC on the meeting the next morning.

In advance of creating a specific post on this issue, I sent an email to each of the seven Board members for whom Board President Don Keller spoke for at the meeting. I received one bounced email (Audenried) and two responses (Callie and McDonald). I also received further clarification from Maher explaining why he made the comment. You can read that post here.

Following the post that included these comments, I received an email from Superintendent Vic Lesky supporting the position that the Sunshine Law was not violated. I included his email in full in a new post. You can read the NASD response here.

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