Thursday, June 14, 2007

More on Lacrosse Coach Guilty Plea

Today the Morning Call (read it here) has an article providing more detail on the Nazareth MS Coach who pleaded guilty to hitting a 13 year old from an opposing team following a game noted in a post yesterday (read it here).

In this article it notes that "Bill Stoerrle, Adam's father, said Kelly had to be restrained during halftime of the Moravian match because he was angry at Adam. Then after the match, as the players and coaches lined up to shake hands, Adam said Kelly slapped his hand and then surprised him with a blow to the chin -- with a closed fist, not an open hand as the citation states."

It also notes that the team was not fully funded by the NASD and as a result the coach was hired by the booster club, who worked in conjunction with the NASD.

This arrangement makes one wonder what liability there may be and who would be responsible if the family filed a civil action. While kids may grow up fast the situation is pretty bad, a 47 year old school sponsored team coach strikes a 13 year old player during post game handshake, not once, but twice. In this litigious society I'm sure at least someone has been considering this.

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