Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nazareth Market Place

I've not done much with advertising on NewsOverCoffee mostly because local businesses haven't appeared to be too interested and I haven't been very aggressive in selling.

My continued interest in new online products and services (such as Twitter, Friend Feed, etc) and internet marketing, led me to Nielsen Online Custom Survey from Web Visible, Inc. (visit their site here).

The survey was quite remarkable and explained to me why I haven't been successful to date, selling ads. It ought to be an eye opener for small businesses, as well as smaller non-profits. It sure was for me!

Some of the key takeaways from the survey:
  • 82% of consumers use search engines to find local services and products
  • 50% of consumers use search engines first
  • 24% of consumers use the yellow pages first
  • 10% of consumers use internet yellow pages first
  • 44% of small businesses have a web site
  • 51% of those with a web site feel its ability to acquire consumers was fair to poor
And, amazingly the survey revealed that small business owners themselves understand how to use the internet as a consumer, but have not applied their consumer knowledge to their own company's marketing effort.

I asked myself why? I'm guessing it is equal parts
  • Tradition, doing what has worked in the past (ie purchase print ad, have sign out front, rely on word of mouth)
  • Fear of the unknown - how much will it cost, how will I manage it, who can do it
  • Time, Budget & Resources - Anyone with their own business can only do so much in a day, week or month and a web site is yet another item to manage on an already tight budget.
So I started thinking about all of this, along with NewsOverCoffee and came up with the Nazareth Market Place.

Simply put, this new sister site of NOC will be a low-cost entry for those without an existing site and provide benefit for those already with one by connecting businesses with local consumers online.

Consumers will benefit as the site grows because they won't have to search through pages of Google results to find businesses, shops, restaurants, and services that are nearby.

There are many aggregators out there and services that will list businesses, but none of those have a local resident managing them and they require the business owner to 'fill in the blanks' of a template. My plan is to help with copy, design, and marketing and take the burden of a site off the owner, while capturing the essence of what they want to sell or what they do best.

This is my first outreach regarding the site, so unfortunately you can't find businesses other than my own (Nunamaker Interactive, under which I'll sell the micro-sites and offer marketing services, and Longaberger Baskets, of which my wife has been a consultant for many years).

None-the-less, I'd appreciate any feedback on the new site, concept, services, pricing, etc. - available at

Feel free to send a note or post a comment.

And if you are interested in joining the market place as a business contact me by email or call and we can discuss it - 610.759.3086.


anonymous said...

I see the Nazareth Area Chamber of Commerce as a much better option for a local business. But I'm all for free enterprise and competition. Good luck with your venture.

RossRN said...

Thanks for having a look and replying.

This wasn't developed to compete with the Chamber and I hope it doesn't appear that way or be perceived in that manner.

There are several nationwide sites that try to be local by pulling existing content (discoverourtown, topix, hellolocal), but since they are not managed by local individuals they haven't been effective.

Building a market place and connecting these businesses with a strong affiliation to nazareth, the page rank will grow and that will bring these sites more prominent positions on search results.

If a company has a site and also joins the market place they can link one to another and linkbuilding is critical to page rank, so they will have an even better chance of improving search results.

When you consider the number of new people who have moved into our area the need to have a web presence is even more important - this market place makes it accessible and the businesses don't have to 'do it themselves.'

At least that's the theory;-)

Curtis Family said...

I think it's a great idea Ross, and I thank you for your thought and effort. I have often wished that there was something like this when I was looking for local businesses, such as landscapers, appliance repair and contractors. I rely on my computer for info, and use for phone numbers. The hard copy of my phone book gets buried at the bottom of a closet, and I don't want to lug it out. I have found, however, that when I'm looking for a local business, not all of the possibilities are listed at So, again, thank you for putting your time and talent into this endeavour!