Thursday, May 07, 2009

What Should Marino Do?

The Express-Times has an article today indicating that Dr. John Marino is eligible to continue serving on the NASD School Board while charges of indecent assault and harassment work their way through the legal system (read the article here).

Marino's attorney commented in the article noting that , "He is not guilty and the allegations against him are not true."

The question remains, should he remain on the board? He may not be able to be removed, but should he step down?

What do you think?


NazoRanter said...

What bothers me most is the statement "he cannot be removed".

If this was a single person coming forward, I could possibly give him the benefit of the doubt.

But, so fare we have 4 women coming forward, and who knows, there may be more.

Yes, he will now have to go through the legal process to prove if he is or is not guilty. I have to question how much thought and attention he will be able to give to his role on the board in light of this.

Personally, based on his past history with the board, and these recent events, he should step down immediately.

John Huber said...

I also believe he should do the honest thing... step down or take a sabbatical until the outcome of the trial-innocent or guilty!

If he is guilty then good riddance, if not....

justthis said...

This is only one of the things that got out ok face it if it were anyone else we would have been off the board my thinking is if he is not guilty bring him back if he is ,Oh well but oh i forgot

Anonymous said...

Three years later? An indecent assault and he is charged by summons?

This is going to be a tough one for them to prove.

I don't like the guy's performance as a school director at all. But, am I the only one who thinks this smells a little like a shakedown?