Friday, September 29, 2006

Borough Council Workshop 09-28-06

The regular session of the workshop followed the special session and began at about 7:30 p.m. It opened more informally than normal with Councilman Larry Stoudt presiding as Council President Dan Chiavaroli, Mayor Keller, and Councilman Kopach absent.

Councilman Bowers providing the fire committee report that included a payment for the parade and fire prevention.

Councilman Samus noted that no shade tree commission candidate had come forward and an additional opening will be taking place by the end of the year. Any residents interested in this position should contact the borough office or Les Little at Nazareth Floral Design for more information on the Commission and its work.

The Bethlehem Recycling Center will be having a computer recycling day on 10/14, more details will be available on Monday. (As an aside if you ever get rid of your computer, remove the harddrive and quite literally destroy it with a hammer. You data can almost always be recovered).

A motion will be made to place landscaping bids.

Councilman Herbst noted a special meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. to address zoning. If there is not issue a motion will be made.

Councilperson Werner made a motion to spend $150 on brochure "guide to nazareth", she also noted the recent developments of the main street program.

Councilman Stoudt noted that the police committee was given charge of determining Halloween, and this year it was scheduled for October 31 from 6 to 8 p.m.

A conversation followed regarding declared emergencies being announced on WFMZ channel 69.

A question arose regarding a property on South Green Street referred to as Yost property that was in Chpt. 7 bandruptcy. Letters had been sent to the trustees, but there was little response.

An executive session was being held and it was possible it would be commented on at Monday's meeting.

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