Friday, September 29, 2006

Special Meeting of Council 9-28-06

A Special Meeting of Borough Council was held on Thursday, September 28, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. in advance of the workshop meeting held at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of interviewing candidates for the vacant position in the 3rd Ward.

Mayor Keller and Councilmen Dan Chiavaroli and Mike Kopach were abscent. Councilman Larry Stoudt opened the meeting. Secretary Paul Kokolus provided those in attendance with a packet including the process, applicants, and materials submitted. It was noted that one candidate had called and was unable to attend as a result of being in the hospital, but wished to continue to be considered for the position.

Solicitor Pierce noted that process would pick-up on this evening with three candiates on hand who, in the order they applied, would be able to make a comment and then be asked questions by Council.

The applicants for the seat were Fred Daugherty, Thomas Iacone, Antonette Hummel, Ross Nunamaker (this writer), Al Smith, and Charles Donello. Both Thomas Iacone and myself withdrew ourselves from the process as of Monday September 25, 2006. On a sidenote, I applied on the final day and withdrew my application hours later after calling the Voter Registration office to determine which voter card (I had one for both 2nd and 3rd ward) was the current one and it turned out I was in the 2nd.

Council agreed to continue to consider Antonette Hummel despite her inability to attend.

Fred Daugherty was asked to go first based on order in which the materials were submitted. His opening remarks reflected the letter he submitted and he emphasized that he should not be considered for his opinions, but instead for his integrity and belief in service to community. He articulated how his reason for applying was to make Nazareth an even better place to live.

Councilman Bowers asked about his ability to sit and listen if selected to serve on Council. Dougherty replied that he is open minded and would take an opinion and listen to it, but it doesn't mean he would agree with it.

Councilman Samus asked if there were any committees that were particularly sought. Dougherty replied he does what needs to be done. What I'd like to see remains traditional. want to be here when I'm old, so the budget is very important to me.

Councilman Herbst asked why now? Dougherty replied this is not new. I've considered it before and now it is convenient with the position being open.

Herbst asked what do you see as the role of Council? The job is to do the business of the community. You do what's best for them not always the most popular thing. Consider the facts at hand and make the best decision for community.

Herbst asked what do you think about regionalization of services? Given all the facts I'd give you my opinion, but first need them to give you my opinion. You need to be willing to explore options first, decide next.

Councilwoman Werner asked how would you be an asset to council? I don't have an ax to grind. I want to do what's right. Council needs to be respectful of constituents and vice versa. Have to be open and listen.

Any particular issue of interest to you? Building issue has been, it's been with most everyone. If you read the paper it seems not a week goes by that Nazareth doesn't get a black eye. I 'd like to see that change.

How many meetings have you attended over the last year? Been to three since the building issue and four over the past year.

What do you see as the upcoming issues that need to be addressed? The building issue and regionalization.
What would you like to address during your term? The same - the building and regionalization.

You would serve on Police, Finance, and Public Property committees, what experience do you have in these areas? I've known several police officers and from them have insight into their needs and what they face.

What do you know about the Main Street Initiative? Not very familiar with it, but we obviously need more downtown development.

Councilman Stoudt asked how familiar you are with the time committment? Yes, I am familiar with the time committment.

Councilman Matz asked about committee assignments related to time. I'd be expected to serve on those committees that Mr. Davis did.

Matz asked about service consolidation. Have to look at each issue in and of itself. If you consolidate the police with another department they won't be in town, so you have to ask what is the cost/benefit. Exploring these options is good.

Matz asked about placing a responsibility fee on building in townships. Its not something we can do, but I'd put a moratorium on building until we have a handle on the school situation.

The next candidate was Antonette Hummel, who was not at the meeting.

Al Smith was the next candidate before Council. He opened by reading a passage from Thomas Paine and noted his active participation in politics. He acknowledged his awareness of the work and time involved and his awareness that the rising taxes aren't corresponding with pay raises. He stated that government is necessary but should be minimal. He's not going to spend people's money, but as best he could not spend it.

Bowers noted when you sit up here you are picked on in a way, how would you respond? I know you are often asked questions and don't answer. If I have an answer I'm going to give it.

Explain growing government in your letter. The zoning is one example and the government center is another.

Explain how authority of government is growing. You are expanding. Last year universal codes came in, expanded the authority of government.

Samus asked have ou applied before? No.

Question regarding a comment referencing government getting involved in an individual's life. There was a significant flood and I was trying to refurbish a condemned home. One neighbor determined that my renovation caused her basement to flood, she came to council, and convinced council to vote to fine me. I personally had to challenge the fine in court and the court sided with me. That was government taking action against me, a resident. I was trying to renovate a dilapadated property and was taken to court. I fought it, won, finished the house, and for my effort was assessed higher than my neighbors resulting in my paying more taxes than them.

Herbst asked why now? I don't want my taxes going up any more. I can't run at every level of government, but an opportunity exists now. Following the bond issue I saw us going where we don't want to go with spending.

What is your vision for the community? I would like to keep 30 Belvidere building and restore it. I want the police in Nazareth. I want people to be able to live here.

What do you think about regionalization? It is worth considering, but not if it is going to cost us thousands of dollars to study it. I also want the police directly responsible to the community (he referenced situation in easton with police lawsuits questioning what would happen if a regional officer responding in another community cost borough millions in lawsuits).

Based on your experience, what is your feeling on equal enforcement (of zoning, again relating the situation noted earlier with the flood)? I made the point that this council (at the time it occurred) went after me. That isn't right. No one wants there property value to go down. When people start fixing up it snowballs. I'd rather encourage positive than punish it. I'd prefer minimal enforcement as opposed to equal enforcement.

Werner asked what do you bring that we need on council? A voice of moderation as it relates to spending. I'm here as a restraint on spending.

Werner asked how many meetings have you attended? Alot, most of them I'd say.

Looking forward ,what is important? The Government Center Expansion, government growth - and to that I'd say no.

Where would you rank maintenance of property? Very high. Plus we need to consider for renovation the wage issue.

What do you know about the Main Street Initiative? I have no information.

Stoudt asked about time commitment. Not a problem as I am self-employed.

Matz asked about regionalization. Probably not with me.

Matz asked about the education issue. Can't do much. We don't deal with it on this level unfortunately.

The next candidate to be interviewed was Charles Donello. His opening statement noted that previously his work situation denied him the opportunity to participate on Council. Further while he had lived in the community for many years, his work also took him overseas. Now that he is retired he is a position to be here.

Bowers asked what do you bring to Council? It is hard to say, I'd do my best to do what is best for the community.

Samus asked what goals would you have over fifteen months of this term? Premature for me to say what I could do, until I begin to do the work, then I'll have a good idea of what I can do during this time.

Herbst asked what is your vision? I love the way our town is now. We can't expand. To improve it must be from within. New businesses coming in are critical. New small businesses are needed to generate tax revenue. We need to concenrate on the small town environment.

What is role of council? Council needs to decide with the community best interst, while balancing costs. Everyone in this town renovates their own property. I'm not their with you on Council, so I don't have the numbers or analysis you have regarding the government center.

What are your thoughts on regionalization? None.

Werner asked about maintenance of borough property. It is very important. Critical.

How many meetings have you attended in the past year? Maybe three, as I mentioned, my work situation prevented it until my retirement.

What issue upcoming is most important? The police building is most important.

What do you know about Main Street Program? I have no information.

Stoudt asked about time committment. The only issue I have is meeting on Wednesday's as I am a wrestling official and that is the night we most often work.

Matz asked about committee assignments. I am open to serving on committees as needed.

Do you have any limits to committees? Everyone has limits.

With that the interview period ended. Solicitor Pierce noted that this Council was the only in the state that actually had an interview process. Most others simply accepted applications and selected one. All in attendance agreed that the process was good. It was open and understood by all, though as one candidate noted at the end potentially more challenging than actually running for office.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is challenging but it is also the only way to know what a "candidate" stands for. When Bowers was picked to replace the vacancy left by Kim Kromer no one knew what his views were except the ones who hand picked him. The other candidates were totally disenfranchised. It was so quick and so sly that I personally was "snookered". I couldn't believe it was over so fast. That is what prompted me to make the motion to change the "picking" process to a more fair one. I think it works well. It will still be hard to pick the right one because I think they all bring good qualities and qualifications to the council. But it definately helps.