Friday, September 29, 2006

Executive Session to Address Government Center

It was reported in the Express-Times and noted during the workshop session that an executive session would be held to discuss a matter related to the Government Center (read the Express-Times article here).

Since it was an executive session I was not privy to what the discussion was or why it was taking place, but I am somewhat surprised the meeting was held in regard to the Government Center for two reasons:
  1. Council President Dan Chiavaroli and member Mike Kopach were not at the meeting, nor was the Mayor. You can't hold up government for all parties, but this is obviously a very important matter and with these two absent and a seat vacant you barely had a quorum.
  2. Council President Chiavaroli stated that no action would be taken on the government center until the vacant seat in the 3rd ward was filled. The seat won't be filled until Monday at the earliest.
It may be the opportunity of a lifetime, and I understand that action needs to be taken, but I also think that Council needs to be accountable. This is not the first time an action has been in conflict with what has been told to the people.

As a matter of fact following Councilman Davis' resignation one resident questioned Council members in regard to their review and consideration of plans for the new government center. At that point in time the only comment made was that some individuals had reviewed the plans individually. There had been no meetings or discussions with one another. As the resident continued to question she was dismissed by Councilman Bowers who said, "What part of no don't you understand?"

Turns out the resident was right. There had been discussion. The next morning the daily newspapers reported that both Councilman Davis and Samus indicated a new proposal would be made soon that would be unanimously approved. One can only assume that last night's executive session was in regard to that proposal.

The point is Council has again said one thing - there will be no action taken on the government center until the vacancy is filled - and done another - held an executive session to discuss a real estate option related to the government center.


Anonymous said...

Once again, their actions beg to be challenged, and justify the sunshine lawsuit that Mr. O'Hare has filed against them.

They want us to trust them, but continually violate that trust. If it were a marriage, it would not be long until the divorce.

I understand that the new proposal is something that will please everyone. However, that does not justify changing the rules of the game every time it suits them.

Anonymous said...

Not surprised that Councilman Bowers was dismissive. He has never impressed me as being particularly intelligent, but he definitely has demonstrated that he is arrogant and has little time for people who do not share his points of view.

I had the misfortune of briefly serving on a committee with him. He was uninformed, but that didn;t stop him from spouting on about things which he was not qualified to discuss.

RossRN said...

I think everyone wants to see the Government Center issue settled, but so far all we know about this "new proposal" is what we've heard from former councilman Davis and current councilman Samus - and that is that we will love it.

I would guess it has nothing to do with the park or 30 Belvidere. This creates some issues in and of itself for example:

How much of the bond issue will go to current council chambers? Money was allocated and council has a responsibility to keep it well maintained. Any money spent on the current council chambers is less we have for the "new proposal".

Additionally, what happens to 30 Belvidere? I can't imagine it will be kept. Maybe the landowner will swap a new building for the old one, I don't know, but it would seem we have a historic building that I'd personally not like to see leveled or converted to residential property.

I can't imagine the new proposal will be perfect, I just hope it meets the needs and budget.

Hopefully we'll find out Monday.

Anonymous said...

A good compromise is when nobody's happy. That is what I anticipate with the "new proposal." Maybe they'll move the government center in to the Moravian Church...that way the council's righteous attitude wouldn't draw so much attention.