Friday, January 12, 2007

Gracedale not for sale - for now

The Morning Call reported today (read the article here) that Northampton County Executive John Stoffa has stated that Gracedale is not for sale. The announcement came following a call from a party interested in purchasing the facility.

Most members of Council seem to agree.

The article also notes that several counties have sold there homes in recent years, but one Council member stated that it should only be done in dire economic situations and Northampton currently has a $50 million surplus so it is not an issue.

From my perspective, Northampton County ought to take this offer as proof that the home should be a profitable enterprise, if not they wouldn't have been asked to sell it.

The home does provide a critical service and maybe instead of considering if it is worth selling, they ought to look at operations to see in which ways they can continue or improve care while improving revenues or reducing expenses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a win-win for the county to keep it for now. It's a positive service for the county and a econimic plus in a land of economic minuses.