There were only eight people in the audience, no media, and Eric Honsel, who is a teacher and drama club supervisor at the Middle School was pitching a proposal to have a "Greek Theatre Festival" at the Park when I entered. The concept sounded wonderful and I wish him the best of luck putting this program together.
Also during public comment:
- Has the borough considered any laws in regard to illegal immigrants?
- Council President Chiavaroli stated they have not.
- Are there any rules or permits needed for religious people coming door to door?
- Can't because of freedom of religion.
- I asked (as I wrote I would) about pedestrian safety in light of the incident I witnessed this morning where a car drove through an intersection with a crossing guard holding a stop sign and then through the very cross walk that a child was crossing without stopping.
- Mayor Keller noted that they have implemented overlapped shifts to coincide with starting of school so have more people on duty at that time. They are looking at different ways of patrolling within the borough. They are adding more officers (two part time officers in the budget for this year).
- Councilperson Werner stated that she believed many drivers were ignorant of how to drive through a town. That they don't have the proper etiquette and don't understand the laws. She used as an example cars speeding up to "beat" a pedestrian who is crossing and racing across once a pedestrian crosses the center line, but not before the person has gotten to the sidewalk.
- Mayor Keller noted that he would have information in the next borough newsletter reminding drivers of pedestrian rights.
- A resident noted that around the circle the signs are seeming to make a difference.
- Some questions ensued regarding the ability to bolt them to the ground.
- Councilman Herbst noted that the best way to change driving habits was to enforce penalties.
- It was noted that the Fireman's Carnival is scheduled for June 20 through the 23rd at the borough Park.
- Council President Chiavaroli noted he received several pieces of correspondence and was calling for two executive sessions, one for personnel, one for possible litigation (later Councilman Stoudt noted he needed the same for the police committee and assumed they were for the same as these).
- Borough Secretary Kokolus had a few announcements for members including reminders that they often acknowledged long-standing volunteers who have retired or moved out of the area, that municipalities often invite fellow municipality officials to new building ceremonies, that the March newsletter items are due on 3/5, and that there are four openings for commission at this time - 2 on shade tree, one on recreation, and one on ambulance. If interested contact the borough.
- Stoudt, Police Report:
- Meeting with Essroc to discuss truck traffic in the borough.
- Full time officers in February will have 12 hour shifts.
- Resolution to create a handicapped parking space in NW corner of Circle for Post Office.
- An area school district is interested in purchasing the two police cars that were not bid on when advertised.
- Motion to retain special counsel (?victor scirmilo?) for police department.
- Bowers, Public Property:
- A new batting cage being purchased by Baseball Boosters and Essroc would be inside fence.
- Noted the newly painted ceiling of Council Chambers by the Highway Dept.
- Discussed the Band shell, to which Chiavarolli noted we need to know what we want or this will go on forever.
- Solicitor Pierce noted if the plan deviates significantly from what was bid, it will need to be re-bid.
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