Sunday, February 04, 2007

White on Municipal Authority

Bill White of the Morning Call had a column on the Nazareth Municipal Authority (read it here) specifically in regard to Authority Chairman Tom Itterly.

It seems that Itterly purchased property in Hanover Township and changed his voting location, but has remained on the authority.

According to White, he contacted Authority Solicitor Al Pierce to get a better understanding how Itterly could continue to serve when he wasn't residing within the Authority's supporting municipalities. Pierce responded that the board hasn't asked him to research the question, and he works for the board, not the newspapers.

White concludes by noting that Itterly has now changed his voter registration back to his Nazareth address.

Authorities and Commissions don't often receive much recognition or are well understood by many people (myself included), but they are organized just as any other government body we have and serve the people often overseeing critical services (such as water, sewer, etc). It is a shame that their work isn't reported when done well and only when there exists a problem, but at the same time the problems can't persist.

You do have to wonder how a person can serve as chairman for over a year and live in a place that disqualifies them from serving.


Anonymous said...

Yet another case of new rules for the Nazareth Good Old Boys. Mr. Pierce is paid to be the Solicitor, so he should all ready know the answer. This question is Government 101. It is the basics. It gives the appearance that Mr. Pierce is just covering up.

I am not surprised knowing who this individual is. He has a checkered past in the Nazareth area. The past isn't pertinent here so I won't go there but if you know him, you will believe this story.

A quick look in the phone book revealed Tommy Itterly in Allentown, not in Nazareth.

Any standup person would have resigned. Now the other Authority members and Nazareth Council will have to be put on the spot to do the right thing. But will they? The Council appoints the Authority members so the Council may have to remove him for no longer meeting the qualifications. Mr. Pierce may have to get involved and may come out not looking so good. Bad publicity for all involved because one person wouldn't do the right thing. Mr. Itterly should have resigned when he moved. He should resign now before getting other municipal officials involved and making Nazareth look bad.

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck.

Anonymous said...

This seems to be more business-as-usual in the Boro. I wonder why it is so important for someone to stay on the Authority when they move away? Is it for monetary gain? I also wonder why the person hired to keep the authority and Boro council out of leagal trouble needs to be asked to look into the matter? Since Pierce apparently is aware of the situation, he should be advising the proper individuals that there is a problem. By the way, doesn't anybody else think it's wrong that the Boro attorney is also acting as the attorney for the authority? If Mr. Itterly has been illegally serving on the authoriy for over a year, what about all the actions he has voted on? Are all the votes now tainted? Mr. Itterly is clearly putting his own interests ahead of the community he once legally served. I think Mr. Itterly should do the right thing and resign his position immediately. That action would save the tax payers the money required to pay the boro/authority attorney to investigate this matter! One last question, where does Mr. Itterly pay his taxes? Would that not be one of the best indicators of where he REALLY resides?

Anonymous said...

I think that 10:24 has some good points. If the board member is no longer a qualified member, then the votes he has taken since the time he moved out of town could be invalid. Is it an issue if the Authority board receives pay? He would be receiving pay when not qualified. Isn't that fraud? I believe there is a council meeting tonight. You would think that someone would bring it up. Does the solicitor have a responsibility to bring up the issue that one of the Council's appointments is accused of living in a different county? The point about Pierce being the solicitor for both the Borough and the Authority is a valid point. The conflict of interest is apparent here. Let's hope council (or Itterly)does the right thing.

Anonymous said...

I am fairly certain Itterly won't do the right thing! He hasn't done it so far. Why would he start now!

Anonymous said...

Are authority members compensated? If so, how much?

Anonymous said...

If Itterly can live in Lehigh County and vote in Northampton County, then that means I can live in Nazareth and run for mayor of Easton. I have a sister who lives there. That should make me eligible, right? I wonder how the Northampton County voter regisration office feels about being mislead?

Anonymous said...

It is unlawful to live at one address and vote in another place. he better be careful. He may try and fix one problem and end up with a legal issue for being registered to vote in a location where he doesn't live. If he was registered in Lehigh COunty, then he must be admitting to have lived there for a certain period of time. It is just sooooooo obvious that he lives in Lehigh County and changed his voter registration back so it would appear he lives in Naz.

Authority members are compensated with a monthly pay and expenses including trips. Don't know amount.

Anonymous said...

So, Itterly received compensation while he was an illegal authority member. It certainly sounds like some law is being broken. Theft, or something like that comes to mind. Who investigates things of that nature? Maybe the Northampton County DA should investigate. Voter fraud and theft. Sounds pretty serious to me. I hope the people who pay the bills at the authority realize what a bad position Itterly has put them in!

Anonymous said...

The name Tommy Ittely sure does ring a bell. Remember the incident at the Nazareth High School? That did not put the school district in a good light. Council or the Authority should show the public that they can do the right thing. The public really does want our local officials to do the right thing. The public is proud that the council is now making committee meetings public.

Anonymous said...

Borough Council appointed Mr. Itterly, presumably with full knowledge of the type of individual he is, so it is not likely they will remove him. The good folks of this borough had to complain long and loud to get the committee meetings opened. With very few people interested in this topic, i'm sure nothing will be done. Couple that with the fact that Mr. Pierce appears to be covering for Mr. Itterly, the chances for any meaningful action on this issue seem remote. The real shame is the black eye that the borough is getting from this and other issues related to bad government or more so from bad legal advise! When will the people of Nazareth stand up and say, ENOUGH!!

Anonymous said...

Nothing in the paper today about the Council Meeting. Doesn't look like the Council took a stand. It must be a free for all. Any person, from any place can run for council or request an appointment to the various commissions in the Borough!

Anonymous said...

It's dissapointing to see that no action took place regarding this very important issue. Apparently, Borough Council does not think it's important to have their appointed positions filled with legal borough residents. Or, maybe it is only important if you are one of the BOYS, or not as the case may be! I guess it's time to be critical of the borough constituants. It is precisely this type of apathy that allows the Council and attorney to run amuck! I guess the good folks of the borough deserve everything their elected and appointed (legal or not)officials shove down their throats!