Saturday, May 12, 2007

Council Candidate Slugs for Home Run

If you're going to hit something, it might as well be Barry Bonds style, juiced up and out of the park.

According to the Morning Call (read it here) County Councilman Lamont McClure sent a campaign mailer (which I did not see) pointing out his opponent, Will Power, the former Darin Stofko, brother of State Senator Lisa Boscola, has had past brushes with the law. The problem Power and Boscola had with the piece was that McClure included incidents that were not upheld including a dropped charge against Power alleging he struck his now deceased quadriplegic brother in the face and chest.

McClure's defense is essentially that this was in the best interest of voters who had a right to know and that he simply raised the issue in advance of the Republicans who would have used it themselves.

Campaigns almost always devolve into one candidate knocking another one down to boost one's self in the process and it makes no constructive contribution to our knowledge of these individuals or their ability to perform. Pointing out convictions of crimes would be fine, but accusations that were not upheld is not right and speaks volumes of the individual presenting the material.

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