Thursday, May 03, 2007

Council Workshop 5-3-07, Business Meeting

I expected a short, uneventful meeting and it turned out to be rather eye-opening. I'm going to post the public comment separately as I wound up with six pages of notes from tonight's meeting.

Bids were opened for the Skate Park Equipment, there were two, and each included pricing for two options. Each option had many of the same features with the first having a four foot 3 stair and the second a six foot, five stair ramp. Ely Associates Inc. quoted option 1 at $82,300 and option 2 at $90,400. American Ramp Company quoted option 1 at $60,066 and option 2 at $74,708.

After the opening of the bids, Joe (missed his last name) was introduced, he noted his God father having been a Nazareth resident, the police chief selection process, and his extensive HR experience with Air Product & Chemicals. An executive session was then held to discuss the police chief.

While those in attendance waited, ten including myself I believe, the session was held for about 20 minutes at which point most Board members and the solicitor returned from downstairs. After a few more minutes, Council President Chiavaroli went downstairs again, and asked the remaining board members to return to the meeting, which they did and Joe left.

Chiavaroli noted that Ken Trionfo from the Northampton Community College had held an event in Nazareth featuring his student's designs and as a result of committee meetings, not many council members were able to attend. Therefore Ken would be bringing some of the student work to the Council Meeting and explaining it for those interested at about 6:30 p.m. (read about the event here and see pictures of some of the projects here) on Monday.

Councilman Stoudt noted an executive session needed for Police labor problems. Also noted that he had not been involved with the transition to the new building, but hoped the police would be on one floor, except the Chief and meters for many reasons (I raised this issue in this post in February).

Councilman Bowers noted several Public Property projects slated for the year including a stone parking lot at the Essroc Field off Stoudt Blvd., lighting at new Government Center at 134 South Main, signage for the building, handicap accessible bathrooms at Council Chambers (receiving a quote for work), painting at the Library, grandstands at the Park, and the quote for the pool slide came in at $24,900.

Councilman Herbst noted that in regard to the Essroc concession stand, that it will cost a lot and the soccer club is the only group using it. They don't currently require a work bond and it is something to consider. With no response from Bowers, Herbst clarified that he'd hate to see it built and not used, and again with no response, he said it is something to consider to which Bowers replied in effect you don't need to tell me three times I got it the first time.

Councilman Samus noted a third person will be hired for the yard, that a light will be removed on Union and Franklin Streets, and on May 9 at 7:30 p.m. the Citizen Advisory Committee will meet with Essroc and the meeting is open to the public.

Herbst had a series of issues from law committee. The fire company will be reviewing the concept of charging for all calls. The sexual predator ordinance was not discussed this month, but will be next month (this issue was raised in April and reported in this post). There will be an ordinance related to the placing of a stoplight at Broad and E. Walnut (Tatamy Road). Both are PADOT roads and it was noted that eight trees and parking meters will be lost in the process. It was questioned if residents were informed and assumed PADOT would do so/already has. There will be an advertising of an ordinance related to the pension plans (I think, it was a long title). A motion to accept the low bid of Anchor Fence $7,125.00 for the fencing around the Skate Park. The fencing will have one gate and be vinyl. The hours will be the same as the Pool It will be opened and closed by the Park Manager. There is a tennis tournament being considered for Nazareth Day. The sitting water situation on Franklin Street is still being looked into. And a transfer will be made from a fund to the general fund (I believe related to the recreation impact fees for park).

Conversation returned to the new traffic light at Broad and E. Walnut in regard to the meters and trees being removed. It was noted that residents would lose their parking as well as their trees. When the question of a proposed timetable was asked, no one knew as it was a PADOT project. The project, however, did require permits and they are through the Borough.

Councilwoman Werner noted pool sign-ups would be May 2 from 10-2 and May 3 from 11-2, the recreation program on May 12, 19, and 20 from 9 until 2 p.m., and the USSI camp coordinators will be at registrations to explain their program. The wording for the Hall Park perpetualization will be discussed next month and the pool opens June 9th. She questioned if there would be a planting day or if the work crew should do it. Samus noted to let the work crew do it since people weren't interested in past years.

As the reports rounded the horn and passed Chiavaroli he noted that two late applicants for police chief were received, and it was noted by council it was too late.

Councilman Matz noted that the one year maintenance of Prospect & Green Streets has concluded and payment of $25,000 is due and will be voted on Monday.

Councilman Daugherty asked the recommendation of the engineer regarding back-up generator for the fire department (Upper Nazareth recently requested the same for their police, read it here). There was also a concern by Fire Company in regard to the cost of converting to 500MHZ radios. As it stands now the Company is $4000.00 short on its 2007 budget for needed purchases. Also addressed was COG (Council of Governments) meeting at which the County was encouraging municipalities to take advantage of the money. A discussion ensued and it was noted this was a HUD program, the borough has a map indicating which areas are eligible, and that the PA Economy league also presented at COG and noted how boroughs once were more fiscally sound and today it swinging to the townships.

Councilman Kopach noted the Highway Crews should be commended for its work at the new building. Summer apps are in, the asphalt at the new Skate Park is complete, electrical for the bandshell was done by borough workers, need to advertise old front end loader on e-bay, and a storm sewer improvement grant motion for preliminary engineering and a cost estimate will be done for E. Prospect.

Mayor Keller wanted to revisit the public comment and noted the police department is currently 3 officers short and that interim Chief Koch was put in a very difficult position and has done extremely well despite it. He also agreed that the subjects needed to be discussed and addressed by the School, Borough, and Upper Nazareth.

The solicitor needed an executive session for personnel.

The engineer's report was provided by Justin who noted the mass alarm system was moving along and should be up and running in 2 months. Four items were before the planning commission, Alexandria Manor expansion on E. Center and New Streets, Lincoln Commons (Textiles) with 51 units), Walnut Street and one other.

The new municipal building lighting was $8-10,000. One light stand, four bulbs. Werner noted the standard looked ugly and Herbst suggested simply hanging floodlights off the back of the building at a cost of a hundred or so versus $10,000 to which Bowers noted individuals would be blinded walking toward the building. The issue will go back to public property (Bower's Committee).

Just prior to the meeting closing Daugherty prompted Samus in regard to the Park (see Public Comment post) and it was determined that police committee will consider and come back with a plan next month.

With that the first of many executive sessions began.


Anonymous said...

Ross-did you mean June 2 and 3 for the pool sign ups?

RossRN said...

Yeah, sorry about that - long meeting and late night trying to get this up.

Anonymous said...

to which Bowers replied in effect you don't need to tell me three times I got it the first time.

I think this is the type of behavior people were referring to with regards to attitudes of the public officials. This individuals is one of the worst offendors.

RossRN said...

Not sure what the public missed, but it did seem that there were some remarks like that on more than one occasion between a few of the members last night.

Just me, maybe I was looking into it too much.

Anonymous said...

re:4:24-----I thought we weren't bashing individuals?????

However, please clarify these two matters:
1) who owns Clear Treats?
2)what is a "gateway " to Giant?

RossRN said...

Regarding the 4:24 comment, I don't see this as bashing the individual as much as it is making an observation of comments made by a particular councilman over time compared to fellow council members.

During the summer Bowers remarked to one citizen who was speaking, "What part of no don't you understand?" It was out of line. Particularly when no one had answered the question asked with a no.

Other comments along these lines have been made and I made a note of roughly what was said last night. I didn't personally think it was appropriate. However, I don't see it as bashing him, because he did make the statements, has made them over time, and it is an observation of the behavior.

Kool Treats, is the company that was on Main Street and has ice cream trucks as well. Not sure who is technically the owner, but in essence it is Councilwoman Werner's daughter and husband's business.

The gateway project is a beautification project at the corner of Main and 191 at American Furniture. In order to do the project seven parking spots (I think that is the number) need to be removed. The property owner is making a legal request and until it is resolved the project can't begin.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let us be thankful. We will soon have a skate park costing only 60,000$s enclosed by a 7,000$ fence . And no-one is complaining

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:34

Not sure what is wanted then.

I read of people complaining about kids skating on the sidewalks and other locations they shouldn't be. Giving them a park to skate in should relieve a lot of these issues (though most likely not all).

If you think the money shouldn't be spent on a bunch of "skaters", then I suggest you hold the same view when it comes to all the athletic venues; baseball, football, soccer, wrestling, cheerleading, etc.

If your beef around the skate park and skaters is the potential for drugs, then you are already late. They are here, and if you read the lead post, in every corner of Nazareth.

Many of the non-skaters spend a lot of their time locked in their houses communicating through the computer. With the park, kids will be outdoors, exercising, and interacting with real people, not some avatar on the computer screen.