Thursday, May 17, 2007

How Did the County Election Office Perform?

The Express-Times reports that the County office improved over the last two elections on its election night processing (read it here). There is one more chance - the fall election - before next year's presidential race where they will need to perform well given much higher anticipated turnout and in many people's minds (though I'll argue local is more important) a more important race.

We wound up voting at around 1:30 p.m. because I had to run home for something and there was no line what-so-ever. The machine worked fine, but it did take about twenty seconds to load the ballot. The workers at my polling place noted sometimes it pops right up, other times it takes a while. While not the highest priority, it should be given some consideration, especially when you hear stories of polls not allowing people to vote because of the time at end of the night during presidential races.

I also thought the County Election web site could have had more pertinent information on its home page and sub-pages. I visited to include information on my site and noticed immediately that there was no indication I could see on the entry page of the times the polls were open.

I also noticed on the FAQ's page that the write-in information was for the old machines and therefore not relevant to the new ones.

While there are many important aspects of the process that the County and Citizen's Advisory Council has addressed, the communication between the County and voters probably deserves some attention. If some base information of what people most need to know were considered and determined, then it could be posted for the Fall election on the home page to make it as easy for people to know what to do, how to do it, and where to go to get it done.

What was your experience? Any problems, or information you wish you'd have had in advance?

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